Other than a two-legged hottie, is there anything better than a four-legged friend? The answer is no unless we’re talking about a four-legged friend dressed up for Halloween.

Then the answer is yes.

To celebrate the upcoming holigay, our friends at Nulo are offering 20% off trial sizes of their super-healthy dog and cat food. Just enter the secret code: Halloween20.

And now onto the pets whose fabulous costumes even outdid those of their proud owners.

Let’s party!

1. Special Delivery

Photo by Jed Lippard

Delivery guys are known not just for delivering the goods but for being adorable as they do it (we mean, Legally Blonde, right?), but Pico’s outfit is beyond (sorry, Paulette). He’s even ready for Movember with his mustache and beard.

2. Blonde on Blonde

Photo by Mike Levy

She’s more than a pretty face and a set of (slightly dented) tatas, and her lap dances are more like lap cuddles. We’ll take it.
3. God Save the Queen

Photo by Jeanine Sznitko

This sultry kitty actually knows the meaning of concepts like “costume,” “royalty,” and “posing for effect.” Category is: meOWWWW

4. Snickerdoodle

Photo by Jeanine Laflore

We have absolutely no idea what is happening here other than the fact that it is one of the best things to ever happen anywhere.

5. Those Specs Tho

Photo by @twobecomeonesie on Instagram

Troy’s owners (@twobecomeonesie on IG) think he looks like a fox and we couldn’t agree more.

6. Forever in Blue Jeans

Photo by @allisonclaire526 on Instagram

Squish the kitty is ready to step out and all we can say is we wish our last Grindr date was this well put-together. But don’t let her face fool you – is that a whip we see in the foreground? We better obey!

7. All Hands on Deck

Photo by Gina Gatta

Who needs Johnny Depp when you’ve got this guy, the cutest pirate to ever lay claim to a hardwood floor? P.S. Actually, on second thought, we still need Johnny Depp.

8. Papal Visit

Photo by Alex Capecelatro

We kid you not, this pup’s name is Francis, just like the real pope, but with a lot less controversy and a lot more kibble. #PraiseBe #JudgeNot

9. Pumpkin Spice


Photo by Felicia Cisneros

Pumpkin Spice and everything nice.

10. Butterfly Dreams

Bella the dog as butterfly

Photo by Ania Biel

Bella just wants to spread her wings and fly, and we’re not going to be the ones to tell her she can’t. Sashay away, Bella!

11. Caught in the Candy Jar

Our pets bring us happiness is so many ways. We want the best for them, and that starts with feeding them the high-quality nutrition they deserve.

To celebrate the holiday, our friends at Nulo are offering 20% off trial sizes of their super-healthy dog and cat food. Just enter the secret code: Halloween20.

@nulopetfood #healthiertogether #nobetterpetfood

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