Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

To expose “the truth” about the gay community, this week, Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro tweeted a NSFW video of a guy peeing on a masturbating man during Carnival, the country’s raucous week-long annual celebration.

It was a classic, sleazy move from the notoriously anti-LGBTQ leader: Find a “shocking” image of a marginalized community, and then share it as proof of their intrinsic depravity. It’s a move taken right out of the far-right Christian playbook.

But Bolsonaro doesn’t know the half of it. Yeah, some of us into watersports, but even more of us are into painting our bodies, kissing in public and serving sickening drag in a pair of fishnets and heels.

Related: This four-way Brazilian kiss has already amassed a million views, and it’s easy to see why

The color, style and attitude gay men bring to Carnival are part of what make it one of the most famous and well-attended celebrations around the world.

So if he really wanted to make an impression and show the truth about us, Bolsonaro should’ve shared these 10 “shocking” pics below. They show us at Carnival being our most campy, unembarrassed and scandalous selves. (What will the neighbors think?)

We can rock tights and a cape like no other (and check out those sparkly armlets and codpiece)!

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

We’re not just super — we’re downright superqueeroes.

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

Sometimes we bring our own blow-up friends, flower-crowns, earrings and fishnet bodysuits.

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

And we feel mighty real in a head wrap and traditional dress — viva Brazil!

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

Did we mention our love of necklaces, headdresses, fringe-skirts and cone bras?

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

And if you think water sports are bad, some of us love getting completely soaked with our pals.

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

Some of us kiss … out in public … where the children can see. (Gasp!)

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

Other times, we wear body paint and lead the kids in making beautiful music.

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

But we won’t be put down — we are proud unicorns, and we aren’t going anywhere, Jair.

Jair Bolsonaro, Carnival, gay men

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