What are they putting in the water in YouTuber-ville?

Just after learning that electronic musician Pogo “fist bumped” when he learned of the Orlando Pulse massacre (and then we subsequently learned it was all a “joke”??), we have 22-year-old preacher Matt Powell advocating for the government rounding up all gay people and putting them to death.

Here’s a snippet from this dumpster fire of a video in which Powell chats with atheist Youtuber Skylar Fiction:

“As far as homosexuality goes, I believe the Bible puts the death penalty on it,” Powell said. “I believe it’s disgusting. And incidentally, every scientific test has come back and said that homosexuals are 50 more times likely to get AIDS… we got this AIDS thing spreading… it’s a fact that this is the case.”

“You don’t believe that gay people should be stoned to death, do you?” Fiction asked.

“I believe the Bible puts the death penalty on it,” Powell replied. “Obviously, not by me or anybody in a regular society, obviously. I believe it’s the government’s job to execute criminals. I believe that the Bible says clearly that homosexuality is a criminal crime. It’s a crime. It’s one of the worst crimes ever.”

“Is that what you’re advocating for?” Fiction pressed. “That our government should stone gays to death to execute them?”

Powell responded, “By whatever means they execute people. And obviously, I believe in humane, you know, putting to death.”

Related: Video surfaces of popular musician explaining why he hates gay people & celebrated Pulse shooting

Watch below if you can stomach it:

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