Somebody get Ivanka Trump on the phone because the CEO of Goya needs her help ASAP.

The company’s board of directors just voted to censure CEO Robert Unanue after public remarks he made in support of ex-President Donald Trump and his widely debunked claims of voter fraud.

According to an insider, the board of the privately held Latino food company voted to muzzle Unanue after he went on Fox Business last week to question the legitimacy of the November election, calling Biden’s victory “unverified” and threatening another insurrection.

“There is a war coming, now that the president is leaving today, they’re still coming after the United States, the working class,” Unanue warned.

According to the insider, the board decided that Unanue can no longer speak to the press about anything, whether it’s politics or the company itself, without first getting permission.

Related: Ivanka’s embarrassing Goya bean photo op inspires memes and a potential ethics investigation

But Unanue’s bad news doesn’t stop there.

The insider adds that a majority of Goya shareholders want him ousted as CEO, but the dynamics of the family-controlled company make that challenging.

“The company has never been political or politicized,” the source tells the New York Post. “He’s gone from bad CEO to CEO that has imperiled the future of the company and endangered the lives of some of the shareholders.”

The source says that some of Unanue’s family members have received threats because of his unapologetic pro-Trump stance and inflammatory public comments.

“His statements are insulting and dangerous,” says the source.

Unanue first drew negative attention to the company last summer when he praised Trump in a Rose Garden event, saying the nation was “truly blessed” to have him as its president. A backlash ensued, leading to Ivanka’s now infamous Goya beans White House photo shoot and igniting a firestorm among Goya shareholders.

Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.

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