Donald Trump
Donald Trump (Photo: Shutterstock)

More bad news emerged yesterday for Donald Trump’s Twitter rip-off Truth Social platform: it remains barred on the Google Play store, denying potential access to around 44% of US smartphone users.

Truth Social launched on the Apple Store in February. Almost immediately, it was beset by problems, with users reporting problems trying to create accounts. It has never been available on the Google Play store, but Truth Social executives have previously indicated it was only a matter of time.

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In fact, only last week, the app’s CEO Devin Nunes was asked during a TV interview why it wasn’t available on Google Play. He said, “That’s up to the Google Play store. We’re waiting on them to approve us. I don’t know what’s taking so long.”

Google called BS on this.

Approached by several media outlets, asking why the app was not on Google Play, the tech giant gave a blunt response.

“On Aug. 19, we notified Truth Social of several violations of standard policies in their current app submission and reiterated that having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google Play,” it told Axios.

“Last week Truth Social wrote back acknowledging our feedback and saying that they are working on addressing these issues.”

Truth Social: Financial difficulties

Truth Social has promoted itself as a bastion of uncensored free speech. However, in order to get itself on to the Apple store and Google Play, it must comply with some regulations. It does offer a list under its terms of service of things users cannot post. It also marks some postings with a “sensitive content” banner.

However, critics say that far too much stuff is still allowed to slip through the net. They point to a large amount of conspiracy theories re-shared without moderation on the platform.

News that Trump’s social media baby remains barred on Google Play follows revelations of financial difficulties. Fox Business reported last week that Truth Social allegedly owed $1.6million to a company that provided its web-hosting infrastructure. The company concerned, RightForge, was now contemplating legal action.

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On Twitter, many have called for Apple to follow Google’s lead.

It all makes a tweet a couple of days ago by Dan Rather seem rather prescient.

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