After an epic confirmation process that included nationwide protests, a petition signed by 1.4 million Americans opposing her nomination, a 24-hour overnight session led by Democrats on the Senate floor, and countless calls and emails to legislatures across the country, billionaire Betsy Devos has been confirmed as our new Education Secretary, with homophobe Mike Pence casting the decisive tie-breaking vote.

Related: ‘Clerical error’ to blame for Betsy DeVos’ 13 years of antigay donations — really?

And, just like that, the future of children’s education in America has been handed over to a woman who believes guns should be allowed in schools to protect students and teachers “from potential grizzlies,” whose family has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to anti-LGBTQ organizations that support conversion therapy, including Focus on the Family, NOM, FRC, and Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, and who, BTW, has no education degree, teaching experience, or work experience in a school environment.

What could possibly go wrong?

Related: Al Franken challenges Betsy DeVos on million$ in antigay donations

Yes, it’s a dark day for young minds in America. As well as for anyone who supports the idea of having an educated public. Not to mention grizzly bears. Luckily, we have memes to turn to for help in finding the humor in this incredibly dire situation…

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