A woman is at a complete loss after discovering her “amazing boyfriend” is gay but that doesn’t want to break up with her. In fact, he would like to get married one day.

“I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now,” she writes in a Reddit post. “A few days ago I found on his Instagram that he follows a lot of gay porn so last night I brought it up.”

Related: Woman Wonders If Boyfriend She Discovered Sexting With Multiple Men Is Cheating And Possibly Gay

What happened next completely threw her or a loop.

“He said that he has had sex in the past with one man and no women but that he has dated only women,” she writes. “He said that he loves me and wants to continue dating me. I asked if he could see us getting married and he said yes.”

But here’s where it gets really confusing. Because even though he wants to date and possibly marry this woman, he identifies gay and is even out to his family.

“I am very confused if dating a man who identifies as gay as a straight woman is even possible,” the woman writes. “Obviously I don’t want to dump him because I love him and things have been going so well. But he also has said that he doesn’t think about having sex with me or really find me sexually attractive which is really painful.”

Related: Boyfriend Says He’s “Only Gay In Bed.” Now What?

On top of that, she says, “he also looks at gay porn every day,” although “he said when we make out it’s fine” and he’s “very touchy and affectionate” when they’re together.

She wonders: “How do I keep dating someone who doesn’t want to have sex with me and who is gay but who loves me and said he can’t see his family with a man but with a woman?”

We have no idea what to tell this poor woman. Luckily, her fellow Redditers have plenty to say about the matter.

“It sounds like you really want to be with someone who can find you attractive and you can have sex with,” one person writes. “He is not that person.”

“You aren’t dating a gay guy, you are friends with a gay guy,” another person says. “He doesn’t find you sexually attractive and you have never had sex. He has no interest in sex with you and doesn’t even find you attractive.”

“He sounds deeply fucked up, internally,” a third person writes.

Related: Woman Panics Upon Realizing Her Last Five Boyfriends Have All Been Lactose Intolerant, Gay, Or Both

And pretty much everyone agrees the woman needs to dump the dude.

“Break up with his ass,” one person says.

“Dump him, its over,” another person says. “Hard to hear but life is too short.”

“Run,” someone else adds. “You deserve better and you should start looking now.”

What advice would you give this woman? Share any pearls of wisdom in the comments section below…

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