Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (Photo: Shutterstock)

A new, unauthorized biography about Meghan Markle has hit stores in the UK this week.

Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors’ comes from well-known journalist and writer Tom Bower. Excerpts have been running in the British media over recent days.

Overall, it doesn’t paint a particularly flattering portrait of Meghan Markle. However, the Royals don’t come out too well either.

One part prompting much debate since the book appeared yesterday is a claim dating back to 2016.

Bower, without quoting a source, says Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall and Harry’s stepmother, made a quip about any future baby he might have with Meghan Markle potentially having a “ginger afro.”

Bower’s book says, “According to Harry, someone speculated about what his future child would ‘look like’. In one version, Camilla remarked, ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if your child had ginger Afro hair?’ Harry laughed. Subsequently, Meghan’s reaction to that conversation turned Harry’s amusement into fury.”

Bower’s book claims that when Meghan later heard about the alleged comment, she felt the remarks were “racist.”

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Harry and Meghan have themselves raised questions about the Royal family and racism. In their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, they claimed an unnamed member of the Royal family had made a remark about what the skin color of any future child might be.

A royal source told Newsweek the allegation Camilla made these remarks was “nonsense.” Officials at Clarence House, the home of Charles and Camilla, have not issued any official statement.

Book’s controversial claims about the Royals

Bower’s book contains several other controversial claims. It calls Markle “self-centered, manipulative and demanding” and Harry as, “spoiled, badly educated, simple-minded and demanding.”

It says in 2016, after their relationship became public knowledge, Harry invited Meghan to join him at royal residence Sandringham for a weekend shoot. He also invited 16 friends, many of whom he’d known since his school days.

It says Harry was looking forward to a weekend of drinking and banter, but Meghan was unimpressed by his friends and their sense of humor.

“[Harry] had not anticipated Meghan’s reaction. Their jokes, involving sexism, feminism and transgender people, ricocheted around the living-rooms and dining-rooms,” Bower writes.

“Without hesitation, Meghan challenged every guest whose conversation contravened her values.

“She lacked any sense of humor. Driving home after Sunday lunch, the texts pinged between the cars: ‘OMG, what about HER?’ said one. ‘Harry must be f***ing nuts’.”

Prince Philip’s funeral

Later, the book claims Queen Elizabeth voiced relief to aides that Meghan was unable to attend the funeral of her husband, Prince Philip, in April 2021 as Meghan was pregnant at the time.

“‘Thank goodness Meghan is not coming,’ the monarch said in a clear voice to her trusted aides,” Bower writes.

An insider at the palace told Newsweek it was unlikely the Queen would have been thinking about anything other than her husband in the days before the funeral.

Prince Harry is due to release his own memoir, written by ghostwriter J.R. Moehringer, in the coming months. The book was slated for release in late 2022. However, it has not appeared on a list of upcoming books from its publisher, leading some to think it’s been pushed back to 2023.

Related: Royal family in “panic mode” over what Harry and Meghan might be cooking up next with Oprah

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