Florida first lady Casey DeSantis takes questions from Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during a Mamas for DeSantis event in Johnston, Thursday, July 6, 2023.

Bet you didn’t have this on your 2024 bingo card… Walmart–yes, that Walmart–is going all out this Pride season.

The discount department store, which has 10,500 locations across the entire U.S. and 18 other countries, unveiled an extensive line of Pride merch, created by different LGBTQ+ artists and designers, and a lot of it is actually… kinda cool?!?

Like this “Cheers Queers” 32-ounce clear water bottle by Anna Parade:

Or this Diplo-inspired “Not Not Gay” pouch by Zaddy Earth:

Or this “totes gay” canvas bag with a rainbow handle by Inks Meets Paper:

Or this “Hot Gay Summer” tye dye baseball hat by Jesus & Sergio:

All of it (and more) can be found on Walmart’s website. The retailer has created a “Pride Always” landing page, with the tagline “Pride always has a place. Celebrating and supporting the community.”

It’s an especially bold move given the chain’s famously conservative customer base, which includes none other than the wife of Florida Governor Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis, Casey, who earned the nickname “Walmart Melania” during her husband’s failed presidential bid last year.

Given her strong feelings about LGBTQ+ people, who she has accused of being groomers and predators that prey on children, we can only imagine how she feels about this!

The “Walmart Melania” moniker stemmed from a Daily Beast column titled “Casey DeSantis Is the Walmart Melania” that was published last summer, which essentially accused Mrs. DeSantis of being a cheap, knockoff version of ex-FLOTUS Melania Trump.

Mrs. DeSantis wore the name with pride (no pun intended) and often used it to talk about her fondness for the ex-FLOTUS, who she’s only met a handful of times, as well as the discount department chain, where she said she does all her kids’ shopping.

“One thing that the corporate media did get right about me: I do shop at Walmart,” she told Fox & Friends shortly after the Daily Beast column ran.

At the Florida Republican Party’s “Freedom Summit” in November, she addressed the nickname by saying, “Awesome! That’s the greatest thing you could call me. For me to be in the same sentence as Melania is a wonderful thing. She’s gorgeous. That’s great! I love it! Score!”

“And, yes, guilty as charged. I shop at Walmart,” she added. “I have a six, five, and three-year-old. Do you know how quickly they grow out of these clothes?”

Looks like she’ll have to find a new place to shop since, according to Walmart’s own Pride merch, “the future is inclusive”:

Walmart going all out this Pride season comes one year after its biggest competitor, Target, received major backlash and boycotts for its 2023 Pride merch. (Target has significantly scaled back its collection this year, and is only selling it in select stores.)

In a social media post, the retailer wrote: “Not just a slogan. #PrideAlways is a reminder to lead with love.​”

We certainly can’t argue that!

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