The Trump campaign has been in a complete downward spiral since JD Vance joined the ticket just, checks notes, two weeks ago. With each new day we seem to learn something weirder and more unsettling about the 39-year-old gay-hating, woman-hating, junior senator from Ohio.

After creepy comments Vance made in 2021 to Tucker Carlson about “childless cat ladies” resurfaced, the campaign has been doing everything it can to mitigate the situation, including sending sycophant Lindsey Graham out onto the media circuit to defend the embattled VP hopeful.

In an appearance on Face The Nation on Sunday, Graham was asked by host Robert Costa if it was “a mistake for Senator Vance to keep talking about Americans who don’t have children.”

To which, the childless anti-LGBTQ+ senator replied, “Right, yeah. I don’t have children. But I’m going to vote for JD and Trump because I think we’ll be safer and more prosperous and more secure. I want to end the Biden-Harris debacle.”

Graham went on to say that it’s not nice to say disparaging things about other people, but he doesn’t believe what Vance, who once compared Trump to Hitler, said counts because, well, maybe it’s better if we let him explain his rationale:

“You should never say anything to hurt anybody’s feelings, but when you look at all these interviews by JD, he was talking about how the Democratic Party has abandoned the traditional family. So, this idea of trying to marginalize JD and make him some kind of bad person is not going to work. He’s not a bad person, he’s a good person.”

As a general rule of thumb, when you find yourself saying “He’s not a bad person, he’s a good person”, it usually means you’ve lost your argument.

Also, nobody’s trying to “marginalize” JD Vance. He was the one who marginalized the childless cat community (a.k.a. Democrats and anyone who doesn’t subscribe to his extreme far-right ideology) with his strange remarks to Tucker Carlson. People are simply just holding him accountable.

Reports that GOP insiders are freaking out over whether Trump made a grave mistake by picking Vance as his #2 first began swirling last week, after polls conducted following the Republican National Convention found him to be the least-liked non-incumbent VP nominee since at least 1980.

When asked by Costa if Trump “regretted” tapping Vance, Graham denied the rumors.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Because JD Vance has one of the most compelling stories in American politics. When you look at his background, what he overcome early in life to be who he is.”

That “compelling story” about “overcoming” adversity, BTW, included growing up in a middle class home in suburban Ohio (not Appalachia), taking golf lessons as a kid, attending Yale Law School on a nearly full-ride scholarship, getting a job as a venture capitalist in San Francisco, and having his Senate campaign bankrolled by gay billionaire Peter Thiel.

On Friday, Vance said he had “nothing against cats” but said he still believed it was “true” that people without kids are less invested in America’s future. By Sunday, he had softened his stance, saying he believes it’s important to be “pro-family” and to “have sympathy” for people without children.

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