Christian Walker, son of Herschel Walker
Christian Walker (Photo: Twitter)

Christian Walker, the son of senate candidate and former footballer, Herschel Walker, appears to have turned on his dad.

Christian, 23, has made a name for himself on social media for his far-right views, and for asking people not to call him “gay”, despite being attracted to men.

Until last night, Christian was also a public supporter of his dad’s bid to become the next US Senator from Georgia.

Related: Christian Walker sobs as he questions his move to Florida

Herschel Walker says he's
Herschel Walker (Photo: YouTube)

Christian previously introduced Herschel at an event at Mar-a-Lago and posted Father’s Day messages praising him.

However, that all seems to have changed. In a series of tweets, Christian blasted his dad for “lying” and presenting himself as a “family man.”

“I know my mom and I would really appreciate if my father Herschel Walker stopped lying and making a mockery of us,” Christian said.

“You’re not a ‘family man’ when you left us to bang a bunch of women, threatened to kill us, and had us move over 6 times in 6 months running from your violence.”

He continued, “I don’t care about someone who has a bad past and takes accountability. But how DARE YOU LIE and act as though you’re some ‘moral, Christian, upright man.’ You’ve lived a life of DESTROYING other peoples lives. How dare you.

“Every family member of Herschel Walker asked him not to run for office, because we all knew (some of) his past. Every single one. He decided to give us the middle finger and air out all of his dirty laundry in public, while simultaneously lying about it.

“I’m done,” said Christian.

Christian Walker's tweet about his dad, Herschel

Daily Beast makes allegations against Herschel Walker

Christian’s mom, Cindy DeAngelis Grossman, was married to Herschel Walker from 1983 to 2002. She has previously spoken of an incident when Herschel held a gun to her head and threatened to kill her.

It’s unclear what prompted Christian’s outburst. Yesterday, the Daily Beast ran a story about Herschel Walker. It claims Herschel, who has promoted himself as an anti-abortionist, paid for a girlfriend to have an abortion in 2009.

Herschel Walker strenuously denied the allegation when asked about it in an interview with Sean Hannity last night.

Herschel also called it a “flat-out lie” on Twitter. He said he planned to sue the Daily Beast over the story.

Shortly after tweeting that response to the Daily Beast, Herschel tweeted, “I LOVE my son no matter what.”

That prompted a direct response from Christian. Although he later deleted the tweet, other Twitter users took screenshots.

“You have 4 kids that we know of and you weren’t in the house raising ONE of them,” replied Christian. “You were out cheating and lying. If you loved your kids you’d be raising them instead of running for a senate race to boost your ego.”

Below is a clip of Christian and Herschel during happier times: the aforementioned event at Mar-a-Lago last December.

Walker v. Warnock

Herschel Walker is up against Democratic Sen. Raphael G. Warnock in Georgia in the upcoming midterms. Opinion polls have them pretty evenly matched. Some political pundits say Republicans are counting on a win in Georgia to help them secure a Senate Majority.

It remains to be seen what impact the Daily Beast story, and Christian’s claims, have on Herschel’s poll numbers.

Related: Herschel Walker’s opponent destroys him with one, brutally honest tweet


Shortly after this article published, Christian Walker posted a video with further criticism of his father.

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