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Looks like we have another video to add to our ever-growing library of antigay Christian extremists suffering major on-camera meltdowns.

The latest comes from a “Christian” woman who recently hunted down Katy Perry‘s dad, Keith Hudson, to scold him for raising a daughter who she believes “walks with Satan” and is “leading millions of young women and young men to hell!”

Related: The Best Of The Worst Antigay Video Meltdowns Of 2015 (So Far!)

“I am rebuking you because my kid is watching your kid’s videos and it’s sending him to hell!” the woman screams. “Shame on you!”

“Have you seen her video ‘E.T.?'” the woman asks, referring to a music video Perry released almost five years ago. “She’s having sex with demons on the video!”

Related: Christian Extremist Records Herself Imploding Over Marriage Equality In Must-See Video

Not to nit pick or anything, but she actually makes out with an alien, which is very different from having sex with a demon. But we digress.

“I have a right to judge you!” the woman continues. “The fruit of your tree is pretty rotten! … God is angry with the wicked every day. And your daughter is wicked!

Check out the insane verbal assault below…

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