Donald Trump
Donald Trump (Photo: CBN/Twitter)

Former President Donald Trump has weighed in again on LGBTQ issues in a new interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network.

His comments come while Republican-led states are attempting to crack down on the school curriculum, as in Florida with its ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.

Concerning the “transgender movement”, Trump called it, “a terrible thing”.

“That’s not the way it should be, that’s for sure. It is a terrible thing. I mean, especially when you’re taking children that don’t even have this period to form,” he opined.

“’And you know, in many cases — I hear 60 percent of the cases — later they say ‘Why did they do this to me?’ Sixty percent. No, I think it’s a terrible thing.”

Trump offered no evidence for this baseless claim. In fact, it flies in the face of findings from the first large-scale study on the issue.

A new study published Wednesday in the American Journal of Pediatrics found that of 317 kids and adolescents tracked, 94% remained in their trans gender, while 7.3% re-transitioned during the five-year follow-up.

That study concluded, “These results suggest that retransitions are infrequent. More commonly, transgender youth who socially transitioned at early ages continued to identify that way.”

It said the issue of de-transitioning should not be ignored, and that “understanding retransitions is crucial for clinicians and families to help make them as smooth as possible for youth.”

Related: Donald Trump may want to stay off Twitter today. Oh wait, he’s still banned.

Trump went on to talk about events in Florida, and the fallout between Governor Ron DeSantis and Walt Disney over the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill (HB 1557).

“I think what’s happened with Disney and what Disney’s doing, Walt Disney is looking down.

“He’s not happy, OK? Walt Disney’s saying, ‘Whatever happened to my beautiful Magic Kingdom?’”

Related: Ron DeSantis signs Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill

Asked by interviewer David Brody about his thoughts about the “Left’s grooming business,” Trump said, “I’m opposed to it … This is a different, different world. It’s a new world and I think it’s actually going to be shut out. You know how it’s gonna get shut out? Common sense. It’s common sense, but I think it’s going. And I think religion will help shut it out.”

As per usual, Trump then went on to blow his own trumpet.

“You know, nobody has done more for Christianity, nobody has done more for religion of all types than me.

“And they’re really doing things now to — and I’ve always said it, they are against organized religion, they are against Christianity.”

Trump did not clarify who “they” are.

Opponents of attempts to ban the discussion of LGBTQ issues in classrooms say such bans harm LGBTQ youth and stigmatize LGBTQ families.

This week, the Trevor Project released the sobering results of its annual national survey. It found that, “45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year” and “nearly 1 in 5 transgender and nonbinary youth attempted suicide.”

Furthermore, “More than 60% of LGBTQ youth reported their home was not affirming and nearly 2 in 5 reported living in a community that is unaccepting of LGBTQ people.”

Amit Paley, CEO & Executive Director of The Trevor Project, said the organization’s, “research demonstrates that suicidal thoughts have trended upward among LGBTQ young people over the last three years, making our life-saving work all the more important. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and relentless political attacks during this time period cannot be understated.”

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