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I don’t know much, but I do know presidential hopeful Andrew Yang seems pretty cool. He believes in giving everyone $1,000 a month. He believes in legal protections for all LGBTQ+ individuals. He also has a devoted fan base known as the Yang Gang, which is one gang I feel like I could totally get behind. 

But Andrew Yang’s greatest political asset? Why that’s easy! It’s his sexpot of a policy advisor, Carson Tueller… who it just so happens is very gay and very disabled. I actually stumbled upon Carson on Facebook. Someone had shared a post of his, which showed a side-by-side of him before and after becoming disabled. 

So who is this mystery man/thirst trap that the world has been sleeping on? I set to find out by following my hard-hitting, journalistic instincts and… stalking his Instagram. (OK to be fair I also asked him if he wanted to be interviewed, but he couldn’t do it before this post was due. So weird social media stalking it is!) Here is what I was able to suss out:

Carson became disabled after a trampoline injury. 


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According to this article by Instinct (that spends a lot of time describing how gorgeous he is), Carson was “was just your everyday college student, living it up at Weber State University in Utah” when he got into a terrible accident at a trampoline park in 2013. The accident shattered his C7 vertebrae, causing him to be paralyzed from the chest down.

It’s something that Carson has to deal with everyday. “The prominence of the role of paralysis in my life waxes and wanes quite a bit,” he says on his Instagram (again, my journalism skills are top-notch, guys!). “During some periods of time, paralysis is just a minor detail of my life. Other times, it seems to be the focus of everything I do. The latter is usually the case when accessibility is poor, or when I’m dealing with some health issue that is made much more complicated by having a SCI (spinal cord injury).”

He grew up Mormon, and it really messed with him.


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“Growing up Mormon meant having a belief system that was based on heterosexuality,” he says. “I did everything possible to avoid falling in love or experiencing attraction to men. I was obsessed with being straight, and avoiding my gayness. I knew I wanted to go to heaven and be with my family forever, and I knew I couldn’t if I ‘acted on’ my feelings. I was terrified of what I felt.”

Despite his efforts, Carson knew there was no changing his “same-sex attraction.” He “came out one small step at a time,” and the rest is history. He went on to meet a “delightful and sexy” guy named Ryan, which dear god, I hope they are still together! Otherwise this could be incredibly awkward if either of them reads this.

He once pressed former presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, on climate change and disability rights in The. Same. Sentence.

I stan.

He has sexual escapades [Insert high school giggles here], and isn’t afraid to talk about it! 


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According to Carson, paralysis has come with “some unexpected sexual superpowers.” He has learned a lot about changes in erogenous zones, sensation, and the importance of communication.

Says Carson, “Being open about my sex life has been a big step for me… I used to believe that using a wheelchair was a barrier to sex, and I was certain I could never be sexually or romantically desirable as a disabled person.

I was also certain that my paralyzed body could never be a viable vehicle for sexual experiences. I thought I was doomed to a disappointing sex life, that I was destined to be unfulfilled sexually. I could not have been more wrong, and I’m eager to spread the good news. I want all people with disabilities to know that they can have totally fulfilling romantic and sexual relationships, and so can their partners.”

He apparently talks a lot about his sex life on this podcast, which, please excuse me while I go add this to my playlist.

And yeah okay, he is also Andrew Yang’s policy advisor, which is a big deal I guess. 


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Now, go do your due diligence as a human being and check out Carson’s Instagram for yourself. Then immediately answer the most hot-button question of them all: Does Carson Tueller get your vote?

Josh Galassi is very gay and very disabled, if you haven’t noticed. Sometimes, he writes about both those things, and sometimes, he doesn’t. He lives in Seattle with his boyfriend and their dogs Eudora and Carmen Sandiego, who, it turns out, was on Craigslist the entire time (where they bought her). You can find him on Facebook and Twitter, or at a nearby coffee shop obsessing over cold brew.

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