Eric Trump has declared his dad, Donald J. Trump, a “father to America” and one of the most “beloved” political figures in our nation’s history.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s show yesterday night, Eric spent the entire segment spewing lies about how popular his dad is and bitching about how Democrats are mean.

“They tried to manufacture everything under the son against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day,” he whined. “They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Clearly, Eric doesn’t understand how the whole impeachment thing works, which is a little odd since it’s happened to his father twice.

Democrats aren’t “trying to” impeach the ex-president. They already did on January 13, one week after the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, while Trump was still in office.

What happens now is a trial.

Eric went on to say people want to “tar and feather” his dad for no good reason, saying, “They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”

Except that Trump lost the popular vote twice and left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in the age of modern polling. All that would actually make him the least beloved political figures in American history.

Things only got weirder from there.

“What my father did is something that no political figure has ever done in American history, and he changed his country, and he changed it for the better,” Eric babbled on. “And he taught people how to fight, and he gave Americans the greatest civics lesson, and it’s exactly, frankly, what this country needed.”

“He’s really a father to America.”

Watch. Or don’t.

Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.

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