New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees has been laying low since being exposed as a bigot earlier this week. Meanwhile, his fans are in a collective panic.

It all started when Brees appeared in a video for the antigay hate group Focus on the Family to promote “Bring Your Bible to School Day.”

“I want to encourage you to live out your faith on Bring Your Bible To School Day and share God’s love with friends,” he says in the video, which began making the rounds on social media last weekend.

Shortly after that, it was revealed Brees has working with the organization since 2010 and was even profiled on the hate group’s official blog in 2015.

Focus on the Family opposes same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples. It also supports gay conversion therapy and religious freedom laws, believes trans people are deranged, says anti-bullying groups promote homosexuality, and has lobbied for legislation allowing antigay workplace discrimination.

Adding a layer of awkwardness to the whole situation, Brees is a longtime friend of Ellen Degeneres and once filmed an anti-bullying PSA for her in 2010. He also appeared in an It Gets Better video.

The responses from football fans have been all over the place.

Many people are outraged by the whole thing…

Others seem to be in denial about it…

And then there are those who are standing by their golden boy no matter what…

Neither Brees nor the New Orleans Saints have issued any comment in response to the controversy.

Meanwhile, in other news, Colin Kaepernick is still blacklisted from the NFL.

Related: NFL star Drew Brees partners with Focus on the Family to promote hate

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