A self-described “former gay man” named Doug Mainwaring took aim at LGBTQ acceptance in the MLB in a screed for LifeSiteNews — a website, incidentally, that the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as “virulently anti-LGBT.”

Related: Billy Bean on leaving Major League Baseball, and returning to it, for love

Mainwaring laments in his August post that “every single Major League Baseball (MLB) team will have hosted a ‘Pride Night’” this year except for two teams and that the teams “simultaneously wrap these events in a mantle of social justice, hyping their promotion of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion.’”

In case you hadn’t noticed, Mainwaring uses quotation marks liberally — or, should we say, conservatively? — such as when he talks about “Barney Frank, the nation’s first openly gay congressman, and his ‘husband,’ Jim Ready,” who threw out the ceremonial pitch at the Washington Nationals’ June 4 game.

He also decries the marriage proposal between two men during the game: “Among [the game’s attendees] would have been many innocent children who, though they came to watch a baseball game, ended up witnessing the absurdity of a bearded man down on one knee, proposing marriage to another man,” he writes. (Never mind that the game was expressly billed as a “Night OUT.”)

Mainwaring might have welcomed that sight at one point in his life. The dude identified himself as a “former gay man” in an article this April. “Before you dismiss me as a homophobic old white guy, keep in mind I once was a gay man taking part in Washington, D.C.’s vibrant gay community, dating and hanging out with guys who worked on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and at the Pentagon,” he wrote at the time.

Related: Watch a stadium full of baseball fans boo this MLB pitcher for his homophobic past

Anyway, in his article — titled “The gaying of Major League Baseball, and every other professional sports league, is almost complete” — Mainwaring finally gets to his argument close to the end.

“After becoming proponents of homosexuality to the satisfaction of LGBT proponents, major league sports teams are now on the cusp of throwing their weight behind transgenderism.”

His evidence? The Atlanta Hawks co-sponsored a Drag Queen Story Hour this year. And by supporting that kind of event, “professional sports teams may soon find themselves tacitly encouraging surgical genital mutilation of children, a nightmare already on the rise in North America,” he writes. “And why wouldn’t they? Support for the emasculation of young males is the logical conclusion of their current trajectory.”

In the face of this arguably homophobic, femmephobic, and transphobic rhetoric, just shift your focus to these magnificent views of Pride Night games at ball fields around the country:


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