Photo: Facebook

Jeffrey McCall, the founder of “ex-gay” group Freedom March, has admitted to several sexual encounters with men since last year.

Freedom March has staged numerous ex-LGBTQ demonstrations across the country, delivering their message that people can “become” straight or cisgender by turning to Jesus Christ.

In a recent Facebook post, McCall, who says he used to be a gay male sex worker before founding the group, admits to “multiple” hookups with men since 2020.

“In 2020 I met someone that I was trying to help…which lead to me being unfaithful to Jesus and giving my heart away,” he wrote.

“After denying what I wanted with him I then went on to fall sexually with a man when I felt wounded and lonely. This lead to multiple falls with men over time.”

He added that after each encounter, he would “truly repent and turn away again,” and that he could “feel Gods [sic] love, mercy, and forgiveness sometimes before I could even finish the prayer.”

McCall unfortunately has no plans to abandon his widely debunked “conversion therapy” practices. Instead, he’s doubling down, telling his group (and himself) that his same-sex encounters have caused him to “feel like I’ve grown so much spiritually” and made his “relationship with the Lord…even stronger.”

“If anything it makes me never want to fall into that sin ever again,” he added.

The post was initially found by Truth Wins Out, an organization committed to fighting anti-gay religious extremism and the harmful, ex-gay movement.

The group called McCall a “hypocritical fraud” and wants Freedom March to “permanently shut down and stop conning people into believing that they can ‘pray away the gay.’”

Conversion therapy is a widely discredited practice aimed at changing sexual orientation or gender identity through therapeutic means. Both the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association have denounced it as harmful, and 20 states, plus Washington, D.C., have banned the practice on minors.

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