We’re still five months away from New Year’s Eve, but gay and bi guys on Reddit are already making resolutions to better their lives.

The online conversation started when a Redditor asked, “What positive steps are you taking to create a better tomorrow for yourself?”

Related: Reddit users share naughty mantras and other ‘gay words to live by’

“I’ve realized that I am not a very healthy person,” the original poster wrote. “I’m addicted to hookup and dating apps, I abuse alcohol, I don’t eat well or sleep enough, and I mistreat those around me. So I’ve decided that I am going to start doing some things to improve my life.”

His goals? “Floss every morning and every night. Make my bed every morning. Get back into therapy. Meditate twice a week. Have more patience with my family. Do some form of exercise for 30 minutes each day.”

Related: 5 ways to be a happy homo

The Redditor’s question garnered dozens of answers, and here are some of our favorite (lightly edited) self-improvement ideas:

  • “I asked my employer for a raise and gave them clear reasons why I should get it.”
  • “I am getting out there and meeting people, even when it does not seem ‘ideal.’ We all have to start somewhere and somehow.”
  • “Stop being on my phone so much.”
  • “Fostering relationships with people I think will be a positive influence to have in my life.”
  • “Trying to accept my looks as they are and not feel inferior to muscular guys.”
  • “Write a little bit every day, whether for a big project or for something for myself.”
  • “Establish more distance and communication breaks from toxic family members.”
  • “I take a 2–3 mile walk along the beach every night and soak in how great life is.”
  • “Regular STI screenings.”
  • “I’m putting myself out there by doing the opposite of what you’re doing: downloading my apps and putting myself out there.”

Best of luck to all these gents!

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