Angry gay trump supporter

Jussie Smollett was summoned to an emergency court appearance in Chicago earlier today where he was informed that all 16 charges against him had been dropped by State Attorney Kim Foxx.

Naturally, Republicans are not happy about it. Smollett was facing a potential sentence of 64 years in prison, and they wanted to see him serve every minute of it.

Scott Presler is a proud, gay Trump supporter and professional Twitter troll with nearly 300K followers. Shortly after the news about Smollett broke, he posted an angry video/rallying cry to Republicans online.

In the video, Presler calls Smollett “the man that tried to incite a race war in our country.”

“But I’m too smart for what Jussie Smollett is trying to do!” Preseler proclaims. “He’s trying to divide us!”

He continues: “We as Trump Supporters, as Republicans, as Americans are going to come together!”

Presler concludes the video by encouraging all of his followers to register “just five new Republicans” so that they can reelect Donald Trump in 2020.

But he isn’t the only Republican who’s pissed. Check out what others are saying…

Related: All charges against Jussie Smollett have been dropped

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