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Video of a woman defacing a mural of the pride flag in Alcoa, Tennessee has gone viral, prompting calls for her firing from a local hospital.

Teen artists Jasmine Martinez and Carmen McClain painted a mural of the pride and transgender flags on a local bridge known for displaying communal artwork. As they did so, a woman–later identified as Tabitha Dardeau Travis of Maryville–began verbally harassing the teen girls for depicting the flag.

After insulting the girls–including using racially charged language, claiming they’re not citizens–Travis produces her own cans of spray paint.


“I’m taking over. I’ve just as much right as you,” Travis says in the footage. She then begins spray painting over the murals. “Actually, I have more damn right. I work, I pay taxes. I’m an American–born here.”

“I’m sick of y’all’s sh*t,” Travis rants. “Y’all are constantly–it’s constantly something. You’re always trying to stand out and make a big friggin’ scene. If you’d only shut up…”

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“We’re making a scene?” one of the girls interjects, incredulous.

“Yeah, all you want to do is express,” Travis charges.

The footage ends there. Instinct reports that McClain initially posted the video to her TikTok account before removing it. That didn’t stop the footage from going viral across several social media platforms, including Twitter, prompting various commentators to call for Travis’ firing from her job at Blount Memorial Hospital.

Meanwhile, members of the community showed up to retouch the murals on the bridge, with some even standing by to guard it. That didn’t stop one anonymous vandal from parking his truck and defacing the mural while local NBC News reporters covered the story. The vandalism was caught on camera.

Still, McClain and Martinez remain undeterred.

“We’re not going to stop,” McClain told reporters. “People are probably going to paint over this bridge again. And we’re going to come back. And we’re going to paint over it.”

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