Ivanka Trump at the 2020 Republican National Convention
Ivanka Trump at the 2020 Republican National Convention (Photo: YouTube)

Ivanka Trump’s in-laws may have nixed any future invites to Mar-A-Lago. Vanity Fair reports that Jared Kushner’s parents hosted a private lunch at their Jersey Shore beach home on Sunday for Nikki Haley.

According to a source who briefed Vanity Fair, at the event, Charles Kushner (Jared’s dad) talked of Haley as potentially, “the first woman president”. Some of those in attendance made donations to Haley’s political action committee, Stand For America.

Haley is believed to be considering a run for President in 2024. The former South Carolina Governor and UN Ambassador told a rally in New Jersey on Sunday night she had “a big decision to make at the beginning of ‘23.” This has been assumed by all to mean whether she will run or not.

Neither Charles Kushner nor Nikki Haley commented on Vanity Fair’s report of the lunch.

The alleged get-together came hours after Donald Trump hinted to Fox News that he was likely to run again in 2024.

“I do know my answer but I can’t reveal it yet because that has to do with campaign financing and everything else. But I absolutely know my answer,” Trump told Sunday Morning Futures host Maria Bartiromo. “We’re going to do very well and people are going to be very happy.”

If both Haley and Trump make a run for 2024, it remains to be seen who Ivanka and Jared will throw their support behind (and yes, we appreciate a lot can happen between now and then).

Ivanka and her husband are known to get on well with Haley. Last month, on Father’s Day weekend, they were spotted visiting Haley and her husband, Michael Haley, at the Kiawah Island beach club in South Carolina. When Haley resigned her US Ambassador to the United Nations role in 2018, she heaped praise upon Jared, particularly for his role in trying to broker a Middle East peace plan. She described him as, “a hidden genius that no one understands.”

News of the Kushner family’s private lunch for Haley may not sit well with Donald Trump. He pardoned Charles Kushner in January for his 2005 conviction for fraud, tax evasion and witness tampering (for which he served 14 months in prison before being released in 2006).

The news is only likely to add to rumors of Ivanka distancing herself from her father in recent months, as he continues to push the lie that he won last year’s election. She and Jared chose to go skiing in Aspen, Colorado in recent days and were notably absent from Donald Trump’s CPAC appearance in Dallas on the weekend.

Last month, two sources told CNN that Ivanka and Jared had not attended the usual Spring and Summer events at Mar-A-Lago, including Trump’s 75th birthday. One said Ivanka wants a, “less complicated life for her family.”

Related: Ivanka has broken up with her father, seeks a “less complicated life,” sources say

Others believe she may be distancing herself because of the increasing investigations being carried out into the Trump empire. Her cousin, Mary Trump, told a podcast last week she believed Ivanka could turn on her father if threatened with her own legal woes.

“She’s much less likely to stay loyal than Allen Weisselberg,” the bestselling author explained, referring to the Trump Organization’s CFO who was recently charged with 15 felony counts for evading almost $2 million in taxes over a 15 year period.

“Allen had a pretty cushy gig where he was. And I think kind of, in the grand scheme of things, as counterintuitive as this might sound, I think Ivanka has, one, more to lose and, two, more to hang onto. Her husband’s family is legitimately very wealthy.”

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