Kamala Harris is in the process of making history, literally right now, at this very moment, as the Democrats begin their roll call to formally nominate her for president. Meanwhile, her 78-year-old opponent, convicted felon Donald Trump, is leaning into racism and whining about being “tired.”

For years, Trump cast doubt on President Barack Obama‘s birthplace, falsely implying the first Black president in U.S. history wasn’t really American. It was disgustingly racist then; and now, with no other attack, he’s spewing similar vitriol towards Harris.

During a combative interview Wednesday at the annual National Association of Black Journalists Convention, the almost 80-year-old said Harris changed her race when deciding to run for public office.

The line didn’t land with, well, anyone. Democrats and Republicans alike have condemned his remarks. Sooooo what did he do? He then doubled down! On his social media platform Thursday, Trump posted about Harris’ “Indian heritage” and accused her of using her racial identity to appeal to voters.

Rather than take Trump’s bait, Harris told a crowd in Houston on Wednesday evening that America “deserves better.” And she’s right. We do!

When Harris first replaced Joe Biden on the ticket, GOP leaders warned party members to refrain from racist and misogynistic attacks. But Republicans couldn’t help themselves and immediately violated those very simple instructions, referring to Harris as a “DEI” candidate.

It doesn’t help their VP nominee, JD Vance, has a very weird history when it comes to talking about women. He’s previously called Harris a “childless cat lady” and declared he’s at war with “female millennial writers” and “sad, lonely, pathetic” people who focus on their careers instead of raising children.

Vance has also called childless adults “sociopathic” and “deranged” among other things.

The Republicans appear lost, and Vance has admitted as much privately. He told donors the party is struggling to campaign against the sitting veep.

“All of us were hit with a little bit of a sucker punch,” he said about Harris’ candidacy in a leaked audio recording. “The bad news is, Kamala Harris does not have the same baggage as Joe Biden, because whatever we might say, Kamala Harris is a lot younger. And Kamala Harris is obviously not struggling in the same ways that Joe Biden did.”

The vibe shift was apparent the moment Harris became the presumptive nominee. She took over “Brat summer” and raised more than $200 million in less than a week. On Wednesday, as Trump was imploding on stage at the NBJA convention, she was returning from a raucous event in Atlanta.

Trump, in an ultimate sign of hubris, has a rally scheduled for the same venue later this week. Good luck, babe!

Once deriding his opponents as “low energy,” the now-elderly Trump seems to just be going through the motions. His racism is recycled, his attacks aren’t landing, his themes are tired.

He doesn’t even want to be here. Just listen to him!

“I will always be here. I’ll be here… I don’t know. I’m getting tired of protecting you,” he lamented to a crowd in Pennsylvania.

For someone who tried to overturn an election, Trump seems to suddenly be laissez-faire about this whole being president thing. He recently told Christians they wouldn’t have to vote anymore if they pull the lever for him… just one more time.

“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians,” he said.

Judging by the polls, it seems like some “beautiful Christians,” and many other voters, are heeding Trump’s advice four years early. New national polling shows Harris is leading, despite just entering the race 11 days ago.

While Biden was previously down in every swing state, she’s closed the gaps. The race, pollsters say, is now a dead heat.

As the Democrats continue their historic roll call, only one of these two candidates seems like they even want to make it to the finish line.

May the best woman win.

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