If Madison Cawthorn was hoping Matt Gaetz‘s teen sex scandal would distract from his own sexual misconduct allegations, he can think again.

You’ve likely heard by now that Gaetz is accused of sleeping with an underage girl. Late yesterday, the New York Times reported that the Department of Justice is investigating whether he “had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel with him.”

Gaetz, of course, denies everything and says he’s the victim of a $25 million extortion scheme possibly being led by someone inside the Biden White House. Or something.

Related: Heavily botoxed Matt Gaetz goes absolutely crazy on live TV when asked about teen sex allegations

Cawthorn is no stranger to sex scandals himself.

Earlier this month, Buzzfeed published a damning report in which more than 30 of his former friends, classmates, and acquaintances accused him of sexual harassment, misconduct, and other inappropriate behavior.

The accusations included calling women demeaning and derogatory names in public, interrogating them about their sex lives, forcing them to sit in his lap, grabbing and kissing them without their consent, and luring them into his Dodge Challenger, locking the doors, and driving them out “to the middle of nowhere.”

Related: “Rapey” Madison Cawthorn accused of forcing women to go on “fun drives” and other disturbing acts

The story made a big splash when it was first published at the beginning of this month but quickly faded from the headlines, as is often the case in the modern 24-hour news cycle. But now, thanks to Gaetz, people are once again talking about it, as well as the parallels between the two antigay lawmakers.

The similarities are striking. Both men herald from the South. Both have spoken out against LGBTQ equality. Both love Donald Trump. Both lied about their biographies. Both are obsessed with their images on social media. Both enjoy flirting with white supremacists. Both have been accused of playing a role in the January 6 insurrection. And now, both have been accused of being sexual predators, too.

Here’s what folx on Twitter are saying…



In other Madison Cawthorn news, last weekend he flew down to Mar-a-Lago for a maskless meetup with yet another accused sexual predator, ex-president Donald Trump.

“Hello everybody, I’m down here in Mar-a-Lago with the greatest president our country has ever had,” Cawthorn said in a 40-second fundraising video posted to his social media page. “We have big things coming in 2022, Mr. President, big things.”

Wearing a red MAGA hat, Trump responded by calling Cawthorn is a “friend” and saying he has “done an incredible job in Congress.”

“He’s a very special guy and let’s back him all the way, whatever he wants to do,” Trump said.

So far, Cawthorn’s biggest “accomplishments” since taking office in January have been voting against accepting the results of the 2020 presidential race, voting against the Violence Against Women Act, and voting against COVID relief.


Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.

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