A man displays a vaccine plaster on his arm
Posed by model (Photo: Shutterstock)

A recent study has found that many gay men are not taking advantage of the HPV vaccine.

The vaccine protects against the human papillomavirus, which causes genital warts. HPV is also linked to anal, penile, cervix, mouth and throat cancers later in life. 

Girls and boys aged 11-12 are offered the HPV vaccine whilst at school to help protect them from such cancers when older. The vaccine has also been available to young men in high-risk categories. This includes gay and bisexual men. Men who have sex with men are more prone to anal warts and anal cancer. Being HIV-positive increases this risk even further. 

The FDA has approved the HPV vaccine for men up to the age of 45. It protects against some of the most common HPV strains. 

It offers less protection beyond that age as the vast majority of men would have already been exposed to the virus by that time. However, older guys can still speak to their physician if they have concerns. Some experts still think it’s worth getting the jab, even if you’re over 45. It may offer protection against strains of HPV you’ve not been exposed to. 

A new study looked at gay men in San Francisco. The results were presented at the most recent International AIDS Conference (#AIDS2024).

Researchers interviewed 497 participants, of which 87% identified as gay. Just 45% said they remembered having at least one shot of the HPV vaccine. This rose to 63% of those taking PrEP. 

Around 56% of those who were HIV positive said they’d never had the HPV vaccine. 

It’s important to note that the “majority” of those interviewed were over the recommended age of vaccination. Younger men questioned were more likely to have received the vaccine, with about three-quarters of men ages 18 to 29 saying they’d had it. That’s encouraging, but there’s still room for improvement.

“Fewer than half”

“Despite high risk for HPV and resulting anal cancer, fewer than half of MSM [men who have sex with men] in San Francisco were vaccinated, even among MSM living with HIV,” note the researchers.

“To close the gap, we recommend healthcare providers verify past vaccination history and offer HPV vaccination to unvaccinated men, particularly those who disclose being MSM, who are older and not vaccinated as children, and those who are living with HIV. 

“US and worldwide HPV vaccination policies that specifically address MSM are needed, such as recommending vaccination for MSM at any age.”

The younger you are when you receive the HPV vaccine, the greater the chance of it offering protection before you’re exposed to the wart virus. It’s not something to put off until you’re older. Whatever your age, speak to your physician about it or a sexual health advisor for more advice.

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