Texas embarrassment Ted Cruz seems to be getting all the mileage he can out of his proclivity for public humiliation.

In an excerpt from his long-winded new book, Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System, the senator describes the scene at the Capitol Building on January 6th. Apparently, the riot fueled by his own election-denying conspiracies was too much heat for him to handle.

As the rioters stormed the building to disrupt the electoral vote confirmation taking place, Cruz and other senators were made to evacuate the Senate floor and head to a secure location. Understandably, “tempers were high” towards the legislators present who were opposing Biden’s confirmation.

Cruz writes that many of his colleagues were “blaming us explicitly for the violence that was occurring.” We wonder why!

He continues, “While we waited for the Capitol to be secured, I assembled our coalition in a back room (really, a supply closet with stacked chairs) to discuss what we should do next.”

Yes, Ted Cruz hid in a supply closet with his fellow mutinous senators from the insurrection they’d helped to incite. Fitting for the same senator who abandoned his state for sunny Cancun during a winter storm that left approximately 246 dead last year.

Related: Ted Cruz just got booed in Texas for his latest mind-numbing idea

He goes on to write that he continued to support the insurrectionists’ cause, even as he hid from them.

“Several members of the group argued that in the face of the riot, we should suspend our objections and vote to certify the election,” he writes. “I vehemently disagreed with it. I urged my colleagues that the course of action we were advocating was the right and principled one.”

The course of action they were advocating for left one Trump supporter dead and over 100 officers injured that day, as well as causing millions in damage.

Some semblance of sense has won out in the aftermath, with over 850 people to date having been charged in relation to the attack. Additionally, circus ringleader Donald Trump has officially been subpoenaed by the bipartisan US House committee investigating the debacle.

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Likewise, Cruz is getting at lease a fraction of the treatment he deserves in the time since. Just this weekend, Cruz was loudly booed and soundly flipped off by attendees of the Astros vs. Yankees game.

Just today, his appearance on The View was stormed by protestors multiple times demanding he speak on climate change — you know, the same crisis that caused that winter storm that devastated his state. Instead of him having anything worthwhile to say, Whoopi had to step in to tell the protestors to “let us do our jobs.”

In the same appearance, Cruz admits that “Biden is the president today,” no doubt alienating that same audience he let run through the Capitol like the Tomb Raider. With any luck, he’ll run his approval rating all the way down by the time his term is up in 2025.

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