Nissan is a Proud Partner of Progress for the LGBTQ community. Queerty and Nissan bring you a thrilling series of videos sharing authentic stories of LGBTQ people living their truth and using their voices to drive the community forward on the road to equality.

Queer chef Vanessa Parish is driven by fostering happiness and building community

Whether it's through her cooking, or through her non-profit work, private chef Vanessa Parish is driven by fostering happiness and building community. She is working towards the day that her existence is no longer radical. Driven, presented by Nissan, celebrates tenacious LGBTQ+ people whose courage fuels their drive to succeed.

Driven: Season 1 | presented by Nissan

Designer and TV host Orlando Soria believes interior design is a perfect way to show self care and manifest your future.

Designer and TV host Orlando Soria believes interior design is a perfect way to show self care and manifest your future. He is driven to use his own experiences, and design skills, to help other people live their best lives. Driven, presented by Nissan, celebrates tenacious LGBTQ+ people whose courage fuels their drive to succeed.

Pride 50 2024 | presented by Nissan

Driven: Season 2 | presented by Nissan

Chosen Families | presented by Nissan

Out for Good | presented by Nissan

Pride 50 2023 | presented by Nissan