When exploring your sexual orientation, it can be challenging to pick a label that suits you. Fortunately, there are many terms you can use to describe your attraction toward other people. 

If you think you might be polysexual or know someone who identifies that way, this guide will tell you everything you need to know.

RELATED: How Straight Are You Based on Your Taste in Men?

polysexual flags

What Does Polysexual Mean?

Polysexual is an orientation that describes someone attracted to people of multiple genders. They might feel attraction towards most genders but not necessarily all of them. However, how someone defines being polysexual might depend on their unique experiences.

Because polysexual is an orientation and not gender identity, a polysexual person’s pronouns may vary. When in doubt, always ask a polysexual person what pronouns they use. 

What Does The Polysexual Flag Look Like?

Like other orientations and gender identities, polysexual people have a flag to represent them. In the polysexual flag, you’ll find three colors:

  • Pink: Represents women and female-aligned people
  • Green: Represents non-binary and gender-fluid people
  • Blue: Represents men and male-aligned people

There is a variation of the polysexual flag that incorporates light pinks, light blues, and whites and where its light green stripe represents transgender people. 

Polysexuality And Other Orientations

The foundational polysexual meaning often overlaps with other types of attraction, making it difficult to distinguish between a variety of labels. Here is how polysexuality relates to different sexualities.

Polysexual vs Omnisexual

Unlike polysexual people who are attracted to multiple genders, omnisexual people experience attraction towards all genders. Basically, polysexuality is an umbrella term that covers omnisexuality.

In comparison to pansexuals who are often called gender-blind, omnisexuals sometimes have a preference for one or more genders. For instance, an omnisexual person might feel most attracted to men. 

Polysexual vs Bisexual

Bisexual people typically experience attraction towards their own gender and the opposite gender. However, some people define bisexuality as the attraction to two or more genders. A bisexual may also identify as a polysexual, but not all bisexuals do.

Polysexual vs Pansexual

We can differentiate between polysexual and pansexual by defining each prefix. While “poly” means multiple, “pan” means all. 

For example, a polysexual person might be attracted to men and women but not someone who identifies as non-binary. In contrast, a pansexual person typically doesn’t consider gender when feeling attraction toward someone.

So, while pansexual people can be polysexual, not all polysexual people are pansexual.

Polysexual vs Pomosexual

Unlike polysexual people, pomosexual people don’t adhere to sexual orientation labels. While they might sometimes fall under the category of queer or questioning, pomosexual people tend to resist conventional methods of categorizing sexuality.

Polysexual vs Polyamorous

While polysexual and polyamorous share the same prefix, the former pertains to a sexual orientation while the latter describes a relationship structure or orientation. Polyamory is a type of consensual non-monogamy in which those involved can have intimate relationships with multiple people.

While polysexual people can also be polyamorous, not all of them will be interested in acting upon the attraction they feel toward people outside of their monogamous relationships.

What It’s Like To Date When You’re Polysexual

Unless your partner isn’t comfortable with your sexual orientation, being polysexual shouldn’t make your potential relationships more challenging. With that in mind, some polysexual people feel the need to “come out,” which can be stressful and become a significant source of grief. 

If your partner comes out to you as polysexual, approach the topic with acceptance and a willingness to learn. Also, keep in mind that others might wrongfully assume your orientation depending on whether you’re dating someone of the same or opposite sex. While these assumptions can be damaging, take it as an opportunity to educate others.

How Do You Know You’re Polysexual?

There is no quiz or test that can determine whether you are polysexual. You’ll get a much clearer idea if you instead consider your experiences with relationships and attraction. 

If the experiences below are familiar to you, you might be polysexual.

You’re Attracted To People Regardless Of Their Gender Identity

When you think about your ideal match, does gender play a role in your decision-making process? Do you specifically picture a man or a woman, or do you only think about the person’s qualities?

Most polysexual people don’t consider gender a factor when thinking about what they want to see in a partner.

You Want To Explore Relationships With Other Genders

Consider your past relationships. If you’ve only been in a relationship with one gender, do you feel you haven’t fully explored your sexuality? If the answer is yes, you might be polysexual.

Other Labels Don’t Describe Who You Are

Perhaps you’ve already toyed around with being bisexual or pansexual but aren’t comfortable with those terms. For instance, maybe you don’t feel pansexual because you don’t feel attraction towards one specific gender. If a more specific label doesn’t work, polysexual as a label might best describe your situation.

You Relate To Polysexual People

Do you relate to polysexual friends or follow polysexual influencers on social media? It’s possible you empathize with what they go through and how they identify, even on a subconscious level.

Woman standing with two guys in nature park

Myths And Misconceptions About Being Polysexual

Because the polysexual identity has only recently gained recognition, there are still many misconceptions surrounding it. These myths can hurt polysexual people more than you think, so let’s debunk a few of them.

Myth 1: Polysexual People Always Cheat

Just because polysexual people are attracted to multiple genders doesn’t mean they will be attracted to multiple people simultaneously. And even if they are, it especially doesn’t mean that they will act on their feelings and violate relationship agreements. 

Polysexual people have preferred relationship structures, like anyone else. If a polysexual person is monogamous, they are not more likely to cheat than someone who identifies as bisexual or pansexual.

In that vein, many also assume that polysexual people are afraid of commitment or simply want to keep their options open. This isn’t always the case – a polysexual person can be just as emotionally available as a monosexual person.

Myth 2: Polysexual People Are Hypersexual

Many assume that polysexual people want more attention and sex because they are attracted to multiple genders. However, polysexuality does not dictate a person’s libido. While some have a high sex drive, some do not. A polysexual person can decide with whom they want to have sex (consensually) and when as much as anyone else.

Myth 3: Polysexual People Are Just Gay

A polysexual person wouldn’t use the term just to avoid the stigma of being gay, especially because the polysexual label comes with its own challenges and misconceptions – and even less understanding.

Myth 4: Polysexual Men And Women Who Date Are Straight

You can never identify someone’s sexual orientation based on who they are currently dating. If a polysexual man and woman are in a relationship, you can’t automatically assume that they are straight. Similarly, you can’t assume that a polysexual person dating someone of the same gender is gay or lesbian. 

The best way to find out whether someone is polysexual is to ask them.

Myth 5: Polysexuality Is Just A Stepping Stone To Another Orientation

Like all sexual orientations, polysexual people may find that their label changes over time. For example, they might discover that they aren’t polysexual but bisexual. However, polysexuality isn’t just a stepping stone towards a final destination.

Dismissing someone’s claims that they are polysexual can significantly invalidate their experiences.

Myth 6: Polysexual People Have A “Look”

You can’t tell someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation based on how they dress. Labels like “butch” or “tomboy” can become demeaning, especially when people use them to assume how someone identifies.

Polysexual people don’t dress a certain way. Some might dress in a gender-conforming manner, while others are more comfortable expressing themselves in unconventional ways.

Being polysexual doesn’t mean you are more likely to be masculine, feminine, or androgynous. For instance, a masculine polysexual man is just as polysexual as an androgynous non-binary individual. 

Ultimately, a person’s gender expression has nothing to do with their sexual orientation.

Man and two beautiful women on color background

Polysexuality And Health Concerns

Regardless of your sexual orientation, discussing your sexual identity with a healthcare professional can be uncomfortable and challenging.

When a doctor asks if you are sexually active, the typical assumption behind the question is “straight” intercourse. While you don’t need to share the specifics of your sexual activity if you’re not comfortable, a culturally sensitive doctor can create a positive healthcare experience and encourage you to share details that could impact your diagnosis or treatment.

As with any non-conforming person in a non-conventional relationship, polysexual people should seek healthcare solutions with someone accepting, understanding, and educated about their sexual identity. 

How To Be A Better Ally To Polysexual Friends And Family

Because polysexuality is a relatively new concept, people who identify with this sexual orientation might have trouble finding the right kind of support. If you or someone you know is coming to terms with being polysexual, here are a few tips to help make the process more comfortable.

Do Research

If you are new to the concept of polysexuality, you don’t have to know everything about it from the get-go. One of the best ways to stay informed and up-to-date is to do regular research. Whether this involves doing research at a resource center, researching online, or speaking with a professional, educating yourself can improve self-esteem and communication.

Talk To Polysexual People

As with any conversation, you want to approach polysexuality with an openness and willingness to learn. The best resource for learning more about polysexuality is a polysexual person, so never assume you know more about sexuality than they do!

Be open to the possibility of being corrected – you can’t always get things right from the beginning. Staying humble and holding yourself accountable can go a long way if you’ve misunderstood something about another person’s sexuality. Finally, don’t take it personally, as it’s not about you.

Final Thoughts

While polysexuality is not a very familiar concept for many, approaching the topic with openness and respect can make your (or someone else’s) journey towards self-discovery more comfortable. Whether you think you might be polysexual or know someone who is, staying informed helps you be a supportive community member or ally. 

If you want to learn more about the different sexual orientations on the spectrum, explore more of Queerty’s informational guides.

RELATED: Am I Pansexual? How to Find Out

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