British police
Posed by models (Photo: Shutterstock)

A clip from a radio show in the UK has gone viral and prompted hundreds of comments across social media. 

We know that any radio phone-in show is going to attract some callers with ill-educated views, but this one seems to have gone viral for being particularly dumb. The caller, named David, also quickly crumbled when challenged by the radio host. 

Host Tom Swarbrick, of radio station LBC, hosted a discussion about policing in the UK. It comes in the wake of the country experiencing riots last week. These were primarily linked to concerns over rising numbers of illegal immigrants and were stoked greatly by far-right groups. 

Asked about how policing could be improved in the UK, caller David suggested not having gay people on the frontline as they’re apparently “softer.”

Watch below. 

@lbc Tom Swarbrick is baffled by caller David's vision for how to improve the police service, in light of recent riots. #lbc #ukpolitics #riots #police #lgbtq ♬ original sound – LBC

Swarbrick pushed back, telling the caller he was talking “nonsense.” The host said he had a gay policeman with him who was 6’3” (190cm) who could “crush him.” 

David admitted “That’s what we need” and conceded he’d be happy to see such a hulking gay man on the frontline. 

“So you’ve undermined your policy on day one?” countered Swarbrick. 

“But I don’t think you’d get many gay guys who are 6 foot 3,” argued the caller. 

“To be fair, you don’t get many guys who are 6 foot 3,” replied Swarbrick. “It’s not the average height.”

The internet reacts

Online, responders wonder if the caller was confusing gay men “with elves.” Others said his views were common amongst seniors, and many “haven’t moved with the times.”

One quipped: “Why this man’s carer let him make an unsupervised phone call needs looked into.”

Others highlighted big and bulky gay men, such as rugby player Gareth Thomas.

“If these riots have taught us anything, it’s that we have some seriously dense members of the public,” said someone on Instagram.  

Some gay police officers entered the chat.

“Gay police officer, 6 foot 4, 18.5 stone… Not sure what’s soft about me… 🤔” said one. 

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