Another development in the story involving Seth Dunlap, the openly gay host of the weeknight sports show “The Last Lap With Seth Dunlap” on WWL Radio in New Orleans…

In September, Dunlap was called a homophobic slur by the station’s official Twitter page after he wrote an open letter to New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees about his partnership with the antigay hate group Focus on the Family.

WWL Radio and its parent company Entercom quickly launched an internal investigation into the matter. reports:

The station told the NOPD that the forensic investigation found an IP address — a unique number given to a piece of hardware, such as a cellphone — connected to the tweet that was associated with Dunlap’s phone. Megan Kiefer, Dunlap’s attorney, has disputed the claims, saying the radio station has not done anything to prove them.

After releasing the findings from the internal investigation, the company accused Dunlap of trying to extort $1.8 million from the station in an alleged effort to pay off his mounting personal debts.

In response, police launched their own investigation. They obtained a search warrant for Dunlap’s phone records, but that investigation is still ongoing.

Now, several outlets are reporting that, for weeks, Dunlap has been ignoring requests from the station to resign. (He’s been on an extended absence since the day after the tweet was sent.)  And now, his lawyer says, he’s been fired.

Times Picayune reports:

Dunlap’s attorney, Megan Kiefer, confirmed Saturday that her client was dismissed two days earlier. She said the station and its corporate parent, Pennsylvania-based Entercom, had “tried to pressure him to resign” in recent weeks, but he refused because he maintains his innocence in the dispute. “The action of Entercom wrongfully terminating Mr. Dunlap has compounded his damages,” Kiefer said. Neither Entercom nor WWL Radio officials responded to requests for comment on Dunlap’s status.

Kiefer has accused the station of trying to “create a narrative to avoid its own culpability by implicating any innocent employee, including Seth” and noted that Dunlap took a polygraph test that showed no indication of lying when he was asked about any involvement with the homophobic tweet.

If the accusations against him prove to be true, however, he could face up to 15 years in prison.

Related: Radio host who was called gay slur by station’s Twitter page accused of sending the tweet himself

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