Twice-failed-presidential-candidate-turned-CNN-commentator Rick Santorum was trending all day yesterday after video of him making racist remarks about Native Americans hit the internet.

The video was taken during a speech Santorum gave last Friday at a white supremacist rally Young America’s Foundation conference, during which he proudly stated that the culture of the United States was birthed by “Judeo-Christian” values.

Related: Rick Santorum tries to suggest Trump isn’t racist, gets his a** handed to him on live TV

“We came here and created a blank slate. We birthed a nation from nothing,” he claimed. “I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes we have Native Americans, but candidly there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

Not long after that, gay sex columnist Dan Savage was also trending after he responded to Santorum’s remarks by sharing the video on Twitter, along with the caption: “The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex says what?”

And just like that, everyone was reminded of the nearly 20-year-old feud between the two men, which began back in 2003 when Savage held a content asking people to come up with a definition for the word “santorum” in response to the then-U.S. senator’s extreme antigay views.

The winning definition ended up being: “The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.” Then Savage created a website,, to promote definition, which went on to become the top search result anytime a person googled “Rick Santorum.”

In 2011, Santorum discussed the issue, telling Raw Story, “There are foul people out there who do horrible things. It’s unfortunate some people thought it would be a big joke to make fun of my name.”

Here’s what people have been saying about Santorum’s anal sex problem coming back to haunt him this week…

Since video of Santorum’s racist remarks surfaced, people have been calling on CNN to drop him from its roster.

“Rick Santorum is an unhinged and embarrassing racist who disgraces CNN and any other media company that provides him a platform,” Fawn Sharp, president of the National Congress of American Indians, said in a statement. “Televising someone with his views on Native American genocide is fundamentally no different than putting an outright Nazi on television to justify the Holocaust.”

Related: Watch Rick Santorum throw a fit on CNN over gay people buying cupcakes

Sharp then offered CNN an ultimatum: Fire Santorum or face a potential boycott from more than 500 tribal nations and all of their allies worldwide.

“Make your choice. Do you stand with white supremacists justifying Native American genocide, or do you stand with Native Americans?”

CNN has not responded to the controversy, although Santorum put out a statement yesterday claiming he “had no intention of minimizing or in any way devaluing Native American culture” when he minimized and devalued Native American culture.

Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.

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