The three men embrace in their underwear
Image Credit: Getty Images

Psst. Hey you! Yeah, you!

Do you like orgies, but lately have found them to be a little lackluster? Like they’ve been lacking a certain je ne sais quoi? Missing that essential creative spark, perhaps? Like they could stand to be a bit more… theatrical?

Well, have we got the sex party for you!

This week, a flyer promoting a “slow burn sex party for queers” known as Bone Broth went viral after queer comedian Sammy Mowrey posted a photo of it on Twitter (sorry, Elon—we’re still not calling it X).

Suffice it to say, Bone Broth has the internet confused, amused, and divided. Check out the flyer here, and then let’s get into it below:

“What if sex was more creative?,” the minds behind Bone Broth ask. “What if things were slow not fast, and fun not serious?”

Okay, we’re listening…

“What if artists, weirdos, introverts, and queers collaborated to make an environment where everyone can explore sex however they choose?”

Well, sure, on paper we can certainly vibe with that—but isn’t this starting to sound more like an immersive theater collective than an orgy?

“And what if we all agree that you can put clothes on yourself, but only other people can take clothes off you?”

Wait. That’s actually a pretty fun rule.

Anyway, the bright pink flyer—precariously placed atop some Tom of Finland art—sure has captured Twitter’s imagination, with many baffled by the particulars of this Los Angeles-based sex party.

In what reads like one of those SNL “Weekend Update” bits where Bill Hader plays Stefon, the flyer stipulates that Bone Broth “uses elements of immersive theater, kink, games, ritual, clown, and food to create a unique space for sexual exploration.”

It continues: “Over the course of 10 hours,”—wait, 10 hours? Who has the stamina?—”30 participants will engage in play and interactive activities designed to set the stage for—and slowly lead to—safe, joyful sexual exploration.”

We’re certainly not here to kink shame, or yuck anyone’s yum, but the whole thing does leave us scratching our heads. And we’re not the only ones. Plenty of folks are weighing in on Twitter, sharing their reactions and piling on with some hilarious jokes. Here are just a few of our favorites:

So, yeah, we’ve got a lot of questions. Question number one being: Can this possibly be real?

Well, the flyer does include a contact email, so the curious are more than well to reach out and see for themselves.

Interestingly, comedian Mowrey provided an update late yesterday, saying that their tweet of the flyer garnered a “Cease & Desist” notice from Bone Broth, which they also shared on Twitter:

But the particulars of said notice are even more peculiar—accusing Mowrey of being “introvert-phobic” and threatening them with legal action that includes being banned from Lex (the dating app for queer and trans women and non-binary folks)—which only makes us further question Bone Broth’s validity. Is this whole thing a joke?

Whatever the truth is, Bone Broth has certainly kept us entertained. And we thought government confirmation that aliens do exist would be the strangest thing we read about today…

The truth is out there, folks!

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