Ann Coulter is a huge–HUGE!–fan of JD Vance. The real-life supervillain strongly supports his ascension to the top of the GOP ticket and claims he’s the only politician in Washington who cares about regular Americans–unless they’re “childless cat ladies” or “sociopathic” people without kids, of course.

But the problem for Coulter is, she doesn’t like Trump. At all. The anti-LGBTQ+ garbage woman said recently the best thing that Trump could do for America is “die.”


In turn, Coulter’s deep animus towards Trump is also an issue for Vance. The author of In Trump We Trust, Coulter turned against the criminally convicted ex-president when he failed to build his border wall. Convinced her one-time white knight was being manipulated, she began insulting Trump’s intelligence

And one phrase she used in a resurfaced interview is quite unfortunate.

There’s no couching the truth: the jokes write themselves!

A couple of years back, Coulter appeared on TV and belittled Trump for being a useful idiot.

“It seems perfectly apparent to me, and anybody else who observes this president, he’s impulsive,” she said. “He says things off the top of his head. Like a couch—he bears the impression of the last person who sat on him.”


“Like a couch.” Does anybody come to mind?

It’s been a horrible news cycle for Vance, who has a long history of making creepy and disparaging remarks. Perhaps most weirdly, he’s obsessed with people who don’t have kids. On multiple occasions, the antigay senator has said childless adults are “deranged,” “psychotic” and “sociopathic.”

He’s also suggested that parents should receive more votes than people without kids.

Vance has made so many bizarre statements, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. One of the false online narratives surrounding him is the assertion that he’s tried to engage in sexual intercourse with a couch (a surefire sign that his campaign is really, really NOT going well).

When Trump announced Vance as his running mate, somebody posted a fictionalized blurb from Hillbilly Elegy in which Vance admits to fornicating with an “inside-out latex glove between two couch cushions.” The lie gained traction on social media, propelling the AP to issue a now-retracted fact-check: “No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch.”

In pure Streisand Effect fashion, the AP’s fact-check wound up blowing up the lie.

Apparently unaware of Barbra Streisand’s mistake, Vance made a couch reference himself at a recent rally. “I would call my wife up here to speak but then I think I’d have to sleep on the couch,” he said to tepid laughter.

But back to Coulter, whose Trump hate is absolutely hilarious. She’s the inverse JD Vance!

Vance, of course, used to call Trump’s “America’s Hitler” and said he couldn’t “stomach” his new boss. (In addition, Vance said he was “never a Trump guy” and “never liked him.” He derided people who voted for Trump as “idiots.”)

When Trump first selected Vance as his #2, the New York Times reported the Hillbilly Elegy author started his MAGA courtship three years ago. During a Mar-a-Lago meeting, the junior senator apologized and told Trump he had believed “media lies.”

By that time, Coulter was already firmly against Trump. She said he was “abjectly stupid” and supported Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis in the primary.

Ann Coulter and JD Vance, bonded by their hatred and hypocrisy. What a match ❤️

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