Donald Trump and (inset) daughter Ivanka
Donald Trump and (inset) daughter Ivanka (Photo: Shutterstock)

If any further confirmation were needed that former President Donald Trump can’t keep his mouth shut, it comes in the new memoir from son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Kushner’s book, “Breaking History: A White House Memoir”, went on sale this week. In it, Jared says that his future father-in-law, Trump, told Ivanka via intercom of his plans to propose almost immediately after he told Trump about them.

Jared and Ivanka met and began dating in 2007. However, they split up after several months because Jared was concerned about Ivanka not being Jewish.

“Ivanka told me it was the worst decision of my life. She was right,” says Kushner.

The two reconnected when they were both invited to a yacht party by Ruper Murdoch’s then-wife, Wendy, in the south of France. They began dating again after Ivanka expressed interest in converting to Judaism.

Meeting his future father-in-law

Ivanka later suggested Jared meet with her father. Donald invited Jared out for lunch.

“As we sat down, I could feel my voice shake as I managed to say that Ivanka and I were getting more serious and that she was in the process of converting,” Kushner writes.

“Well, let me ask you a question,” Trump replied. “Why does she have to convert? Why can’t you convert?”

“I replied that it was a fair question, but Ivanka had made the decision on her own, and we were both comfortable with it,” Kushner says.

“That’s great,” [Trump] said. “Most people think I’m Jewish anyway. Most of my friends are Jewish. I have all these awards from the synagogues. They love me in Israel.”

Related: Jared Kushner alleges this White House staffer “shoved” Ivanka

Trump then went on to warn Jared that if he were not serious, Trump had another suitor in mind.

“You know, Tom Brady is a good friend of mine and had been trying to take Ivanka out…” Trump began.

“Before he got any further, [Kushner] quipped, ‘If I were Ivanka, I’d go with Tom Brady.’ [Trump] looked at [Kushner] with complete seriousness. ‘Yeah, I know,’ he sighed,” Kushner writes.

Telling Donald Trump of his proposal plans

Later, when he decided to propose, Jared again approached Trump in his office. He told  him he had a “surprise engagement” planned for his daughter.

“Later I learned that right after I left Trump picked up the intercom and alerted Ivanka that she should expect an imminent proposal,” Kushner wrote.

The couple wed at Trump’s Bedminster golf club in 2009.

During his time in the White House, Trump appointed Jared and Ivanka to be among his Senior Advisers. The couple have kept a fairly low profile since Trump left the White House, although Jared has been hitting the media circuit hard in recent days to promote his memoir.

Trump’s inability to keep a secret has been noted many times before. This week, politics consultant Tim Miller was asked on a podcast whether he thought Donald Trump potentially had material to blackmail Lindsey Graham that might explain the South Carolina Senator’s switch from being rabidly anti-Trump to becoming one of his vocal supporters.

Miller replied, “No, I don’t think so. I don’t think Trump is good enough at keeping secrets to blackmail people … I think it’s pretty clear that if we had lied about the moon landing, Trump would have spilled the beans by now.”

Related: Jared Kushner is doing serious damage control after speculation that he’s the “Mar-a-Lago” mole

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