Perhaps you’ve heard by now that Donald Trump spent part of his weekend cowering in the White House bunker as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion.

The bunker was designed for extreme emergencies, like terrorist attacks and nuclear bombs, but Trump decided to use it to hide from people congregating outside on his front lawn after he fired off a string of racist tweets in response to the nation’s reaction to the murder of George Floyd.

Related: Lori Lightfoot just said “F You” to Donald Trump during a press conference

After coming up from the bunker, Trump held a video conference call with governors around the country, during which he called them all “weak” in their responses to the demonstrations happening in their states, and said they need to “dominate” and “take back your streets.”

“You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years, and you’ll never see this stuff again,” Trump purportedly said.

Related: Man whose apartment was set ablaze during Minneapolis riots speaks out: “I watched in horror”

When asked for comment about Trump hiding in a bunker, White House spokesman Judd Deere said, “The White House does not comment on security protocols and decisions.”

But Twitter sure has a lot to say about the matter. They’ve even created a special hashtag for him… #BunkerBoy!

And now, the tweets…

Shall we continue?

Oh, but it doesn’t stop there…

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