Straight pride boston

Three dudes from Boston who call themselves “Super Happy Fun America” have filed for a permit to hold a “straight pride parade” in the city this summer and they’re threatening to sue if they don’t get what they want.

According to its website, Super Happy Fun America wants to “celebrate the diverse history, culture, and contributions of the straight community.”

The group consists of three members: President John Hugo and Vice President Mark Sahady, who identify as heterosexual, and “Gay Ambassador” Chris Bartley, who identifies as gay.

“Straight people are an oppressed majority,” Hugo says in a statement on the group’s website. “We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgement and hate.”

Last Thursday, Sahady posted on Facebook that the city of Boston was “working with them” on getting permits to hold their “straight pride parade” after the group filed a “discrimination complaint” against the city and officials realized they would likely “lose” in court.

“If you would like to come as an individual, march as a group, or bring a float or vehicle, then get in touch,” he wrote. “This is our chance to have a patriotic parade in Boston as we celebrate straight pride.”

Now, onto Bartley.

According to his Twitter profile, he’s a proud American, a follower of Jesus, a #GaysForTrump supporter, and a 2012 Eagle Scout.

His official bio on the Super Happy Fun America website reads:

As gay ambassador, Chris uses his status in the LGBTQ community to challenge heterophobia wherever it exists. He became involved in the straight pride movement after being ostracized from established advocacy groups for merely suggesting that straight people be afforded equal rights.

We reached out to Bartley for comment on his involvement with the group and asked specifically why, as a member of the LGBTQ community, he feels so passionately about promoting “Straight Pride.” Here is his unedited response:

Lemme say first Trump and his entire administration have identified June as pride month this year and every year. My motivation to participate in this years straight pride is to make the far left realize how insane they have become and how overarching they are. Many lgbt people have reached out to me and have said that gay pride is not the way it used to be. It used to be about fighting against the “man” and now it’s a drink and work with man. Essentially being a sheep. Gay pride used to be about free speech and now they are not. So this is why straight pride has become a reality. To showcase how extreme the left has become. I will be attending Gay Pride in Boston however will not be taking any questions from the media.

When contacted by BuzzFeed News for comment on the matter, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh responded with a general statement about the city’s planned LGBTQ Pride events.

“Every year Boston hosts our annual Pride Week, where our city comes together to celebrate the diversity, strength and acceptance of our LGBTQ community,” Walsh wrote.

“This is a special week that represents Boston’s values of love and inclusion, which are unwavering. I encourage everyone to join us in celebration this Saturday for the Pride Parade and in the fight for progress and equality for all.”

According to the city, Super Happy Fun America’s application for a parade permit has not yet been approved, and the group is required by law to have a permit in order to hold the event.

Related: Straight white rapper releases song about how oppressed he is on the eve of Pride month

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