It was over the moment Kamala Harris strutted across the stage and shook his hand.

The Vice President and Donald Trump met Tuesday night for their highly anticipated debate, and to paraphrase the disgraced former president, it was a bloodbath.

Harris toyed with Trump at every turn, winding up the 78-year-old like a bloviating blowup doll to rant and rave about his crowd sizes, inheritance and… “transgender operations on illegal aliens in jail.”

Yes, that was a thing that was actually said.

Trump is taking his defeat in stride already claiming the debate was rigged, just like the election he lost nearly four years ago. Five moments where Harris ATE Trump in the great debate are below…

“People start leaving his rallies early, out of exhaustion and boredom”

There is nothing more important to Trump than his precious rallies. He’s obsessed with crowd sizes, to the point where he can’t even acknowledge his opponent can draw an audience, too. Earlier this summer, Trump claimed Harris was filling her events with fake AI people, unable to process the excitement around her nascent campaign.

To state the obvious, Trump’s preoccupation with crowd sizes is self-indulgent, and irrelevant to voters. Yet, he can’t help himself.

Knowing that, Harris turned around an answer on immigration into a referendum on Trump’s rallies and his inane rantings about the “late, great Dr. Hannibal Lecter” and cancer-causing windmills. Unsurprisingly, the criminally convinced ex-prez took the bait.


“I’m gonna do something really unusual. I’m gonna invite you to attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies, because it’s a really interesting thing to watch,” she said, before going in.

“You will see, during the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. Windmills cause cancer,” she added. “And what you will also notice is people start leaving his rallies early, out of exhaustion and boredom. And I will tell you, the one thing you won’t hear him talk about is you. You won’t hear him talk about your needs, your dreams and your desires. I’ll tell ya, I believe you deserve a president who actually puts you first. I pledge to you that I will.”

Appearing to combust, Trump bypassed the immigration question, and started blathering about–you guessed it–rally sizes!

“First let me respond as to the rallies. She said people start leaving. People don’t go to her rallies. There’s no reason to go. And the people that do go, she’s busing them in and paying them to be there. And then showing them in a different light. So, she can’t talk about that. People don’t leave my rallies. We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics,” he stammered.

As Trump continued to verbally vomit about his crowds and dog-eating immigrants, Harris just stood there and laughed. And laughed and laughed.

Her work was done.

Taking daddy’s money

Another well-known sore point for Trump is the notion that he grew up as a spoiled rich kid who inherited more than $400 million from his father. Harris brought that up, along with his subsequent bankruptcies. (The question, by the way, was about fracking. Talk about controlling the conversation.)

“The values I bring to the importance of home ownership knowing not everybody got handed $400 million on a silver platter and then filed bankruptcy six times, is a value that I bring to my work to say we are going to work with the private sector and home builders to increase 3 million homes, increase by 3 million homes by the end of my first term,” she said.

Trump, in turn, whined that he “wasn’t given $400 million,” and that people are in awe of his “many, many billions.”

“I was given a tiny fraction of that. A tiny fraction. And I built it in into many, many billions of dollars. Many, many billions. When people see it, they are even surprised,” he rambled.

Visibly flailing, Trump proceeded to rant and rave about complete nonsense, including his now-infamous line about “transgender operations on illegal aliens in jail.” Gays… I think we have a new Halloween costume. Get to work!

Trump can’t get over 81 million people firing him

In recent weeks, Trump has seemingly backed off his false claims about winning the 2020 election… at the incessant urging of his advisors. On a recent podcast, he even said he “lost by a whisker.”

But… that all went out the window Tuesday night! Trump took the bait when the moderators asked about his election denials, saying he conceded “sarcastically.”

Sensing weakness, Harris reminded Trump that he did, in fact, lose–and by more than a whisker!

“Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people. So, let’s be clear about that. And clearly, he is having a very difficult time processing that,” she said.

As Democratic strategist Keith Edwards posted, “No such thing as late-term abortion, but Harris did just murder a 78 year old baby.”

Speaking of which…

The abortion exchange

When the topic moved to abortion, Trump went off on his usual tirade about how “everybody” wanted Roe overturned and sent back to the states. Well, Harris turned his words around on him, coming up with maybe the most poignant answer on reproductive rights in the history of presidential debates:

“I have talked with women around our country. You talk about this is what people wanted. Pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term, suffering from a miscarriage being, denied care in an emergency room because healthcare providers are afraid they might go to jail, and she’s bleeding out in a car in a parking lot. She didn’t want that. Her husband didn’t that. A 12- or 13-year-old survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term. They don’t want that. I pledge to you, when Congress passes a bill to put back in place the protections of Roe v. Wade, as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law.”

Some guy leading the Taliban named “Abdul”

Harris could barely hide her disgust when talking about how Trump–she referred to him as “this… former president,” swallowing her words–invited the Taliban to Camp David to negotiate the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

When asked to respond, Trump proudly talked about his negotiations with the Taliban… and some guy named Abdul?

“Abdul, is the head of the Taliban,” he said. “He is still the head of the Taliban. I told Abdul, ‘Don’t do it anymore. Do it anymore, and you’re gonna have problems.’ He said, ‘Why do you send me a picture of my house?’ I said, ‘You’re gonna have to figure that out, Abdul.’ For 18 months, we had nobody killed.”

Who is “Abdul,” you ask? We’re not sure! The head of the Taliban is Hibatullah Akhundzada…

Looking back, it’s ironic that Trump spent so much time ranting about immigrants eating dogs, because we can only see one dog who was eaten up…


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