The fight to control Congress could run through Palm Springs, and an out gay terrorism prosecutor is in position to flip a seat that’s been red for three decades.

Will Rollins is running his second campaign against Republican incumbent Ken Calvert, who’s recognized as one of the most corrupt members of Congress. Two years ago, Rollins lost to Calvert by roughly five points. But this time around, the race is considered one of the tightest in the country.

Poll after poll shows Rollins and Calvert locked in a dead heat, with Election Day less than three weeks away. And Rollins, a relative political novice, seems to be stocked with the funds to help him finish strong.

Politico reports Rollins has raised nearly $10.7 million for his rematch, a massive total for a congressional race. The outlet says Rollins is administering a “desert shellacking” to the gay-hating conservative, who’s raised about $7.3 total.

“It’s a troubling sign for Republicans, who were already worried about losing the Inland Empire seat,” Politico writes.

California 41, a sprawling district that includes Coachella Valley and commuter towns in Greater Los Angeles, was redrawn a couple of years ago to include Palm Springs. Rollins, who resides in the gay oasis, won the Coachella Valley by 20 points last cycle.

But he struggled in the district’s more exurban and ruby-red suburbs. In a recent interview, Rollins told LGBTQ Nation he lacked the resources to compete.

“In the first campaign, I raised a good amount of money, but it’s been nothing like the massive arsenal we’ve been able to build by starting a campaign in May of 2023 versus virtually less than one year before the midterm election with no prior political experience,” he said.

With $10.7 million raised and $4 million on hand, Rollins can now afford to be a ubiquitous presence in his district. As he mentioned, there’s also a name recognition component.

Rollins launched his campaign in May 2023, a whopping 17 months before the election, His opening salvo was a hilarious and cutting ad about Calvert’s corruption. Shot as an HGTV parody, the commercial begins with Rollins recounting one of his 71-year-old opponent’s more infamous grifts.

“You’ve seen house-flipping shows before. They buy a run-down property and fix it up. But this is no ordinary house-flipping show. Meet Ken Calvert, land speculator turned congressman, using your tax dollars to increase the value of his properties—flipping trash into cash,” Rollins says.

Back in 2006, Calvert was busted for lining his own pockets with an earmark request. The congressman bought property in Riverside, and secured funds to build a highway exchange near his land, increasing the sale price to nearly $1 million.

With a sketchy track record of backroom dealing, an actor in the ad says he “can’t believe” someone lost to Calvert in ’22.

The camera then cuts to Rollins, who’s sipping his beer solemnly…

With a telegenic presence and sharp wit, Rollins has been asking Calvert to debate. But yet, Calvert keeps declining.

“Ken Calvert is running from the debate stage because he is afraid to have to answer for his three decades of corruption, enriching himself while he raised your taxes,” Rollins posted this week on Instagram.

When pressed recently about his refusal to debate, Calvert whined that Rollins is attacking him as a “corrupt politician.”

“Don’t you attack him as well?,” the interviewer asked, before pointing out that Calvert owns a website called “” (slips off the tongue, right)?

In addition to corruption scandals, Calvert would have to answer for his anti-LGBTQ+ record. He got his political start 30 years ago by outing his closeted Democrat opponent, Mark Takano. Since then, he’s voted against allowing queer people to serve openly in the U.S. military and against protecting LGBTQ+ workers from discrimination.

Interestingly, Calvert’s votes on gay rights have shifted over the last few years, coinciding with the redrawing of his district. He was one of 47 House Republicans who voted in favor of legalizing gay marriage nationwide.

Rollins has highlighted Calvert’s apparent opportunism, tying him to rabidly anti-gay House Speaker Mike Johnson.

This past weekend, Calvert spoke at Trump’s rally in Coachella.

Rollins, meanwhile, was meeting with voters.

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