Claudia Conway can see right through Laura Loomer’s racist filth.

The 19-year-old daughter of long-time Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, Claudia isn’t afraid to vocalize her disgust for the criminally convicted ex-president and his circle of toadies.

The sycophant currently in the spotlight is Ms. Loomer, the far-right agitator and conspiracy theorist who’s been traveling with Trump to various events. Those events included last week’s debate and two 9/11 memorials, despite her previous false statements accusing the U.S. government of orchestrating the most deadly terrorist attack in American history.

Loomer’s presence in Trump’s entourage has sparked widespread condemnation across the political aisle, with even Marjorie Taylor Greene expressing her distaste for the homophobic troll. Yet Loomer persists, shilling for Trump and spreading toxicity on social media.

Over the weekend, Claudia joined the fray and called out “Loony Loomer,” pointing out the obvious: Trump got smoked last week!

“You will say anything and promote anything to distract from the fact that he was OBLITERATED in the debate,” she posted. “The questions asked could have been conceived by anyone with eyes and a brain. He lost the debate and will probably lose the election, Loony Loomer. 🥰🥰”

Show us the lie!

You can’t!

Loomer, of course, responded… and went to the lowest possible place. She lied about Claudia of posing nude for Playboy and accused her father of working with pedophiles. (George Conway is a veteran GOP attorney and prominent Never Trumper. He and Kellyanne got divorced last year.)

Claudia’s decision last year to become a Playboy bunny speaks to her independence. The social media influencer, who identifies as queer, said she became a bunny to reclaim autonomy.

“When I was 15-16, I was exploited by the media, preyed upon, and was forced into portraying myself as something I wasn’t. My body was taken from me,” she posted. “Now, as a young adult, I am aiming to reclaim my womanhood and femininity in a way that is truly mine. I am putting myself out there in a way that is MY OWN and no one else’s.”

Loomer puts herself out there, too. But rather than spread messages of empowerment, she spews racism.

Most recently, Loomer has honed in on Kamala Harris‘ Indian heritage, saying the White House will “smell like curry [and] White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center” if she wins the presidency.

Claudia, for her part, called Loomer out.

That’s more than one can say about JD Vance, whose wife is Indian-American. Trump’s #2, and by definition most prevalent lickspittle, side-stepped questions about Loomer’s bigoted insults Sunday on Meet the Press.

“Laura Loomer is not affiliated with the Trump campaign,” he filibustered. “She said something about curry and the White House that I first read about this morning, actually, because I knew you would ask me about it. Look, I make a mean chicken curry. I don’t think it’s insulting for anybody to talk about their dietary preferences, or what they want to do in the White House. I think what Laura said about Kamala Harris is not what we should be focused on. We should be focused on the policy and on the issues.”

He continued, “Look, do I agree with what Laura Loomer said about Kamala Harris? No I don’t. I also don’t think this is actually an issue of national import. Is Laura Loomer running for president? No. Kamala Harris is running for president, and whether you’re eating curry at your dinner table, or fried chicken, things have gotten more expensive thanks to her policies. Let’s talk about the person who’s running for President of the United States, not a social media personality who supports Donald Trump.”

When pressed on whether he and his wife were offended by Loomer’s blatant racism, he demurred. (Not very cutesy, but very cowardly.)

“Kristen, I just told you, I don’t like those comments,” he blathered. “I think we oughta focus on Kamala Harris’ policy failures. I also don’t look at the internet for every single thing to be offended by.”

Reading from the same script, Trump’s national press sec Karolie Leavitt wouldn’t even mention Loomer’s name when asked about her four times on Fox News.

“As President Trump said yesterday, this individual (emphasis ours) does not work for the campaign. She’s simply a supporter of the president,” Leavitt repeated on multiple occasions.

Loomer’s ascension into Trump’s inner-orbit has sparked rampant speculation, some of which is tawdry. In other words, the troll is getting a taste of her own medicine… and not liking it.

On Saturday, she threatened to sue Bill Maher for defamation.

Claudia responded in kind.

“I could name at least 20 people, myself included, who could sue you for defamation, Laura,” she replied.

Given Trump’s history of criminality, along with those around him, going to court is a MAGA rite of passage. It looks like Loomer is getting even closer to the 78-year-old carnival barker than we even thought!

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