Surprised shirtless man looking at camera

Sometimes that hoary “don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it” adage holds true, as we saw on the r/askgaybros subreddit recently.

In a recent post, Reddit user Still_Atmosphere asked, “What is something you never imagined would turn you on until it did?”

Since then, other users have left more than 400 comments on the post, sharing their surprise kinks and other unexpected turn-ons. (And in a testament to late-in-life gay awakenings, multiple Redditors replied with just one word: “Men.”)

Here are some of the comments we can print, tidied up for readability:

“Being tied up and letting another man get his way with me, with a safe word used, of course.”

“Grinding but with underwear on. I have no clue why, but when I see videos of it, it turns me on somuch—like, heart racing.”

“Happy trails. My best friend took his shirt off in front of me, and my jaw was on the floor when I saw his.”

“Nipples and stimulating someone else’s to help them get off.”

“Being overpowered and older men.”

“Bald guys.”

“Neck bites.”

“Musk. … I guess that’s what happens when you find a partner whose body odor is intoxicatingly addictive.”

“Fancying guys who are older as I get older. I’m happy I’m not stuck fancying 20-year-olds in my 40s. Also the quality of the sex tends to be better. Not that there’s anything wrong with younger guys, but I remember when I thought someone over 29 was old!”

“Tongues in my ear. Who would’ve thought I’d like that… but I love it!”


“When a guy gets very firm in the way he speaks to me—even more so if he’s more masculine and tougher than I am.”

“Dad bods and men wearing thobes.”


“Being called daddy.”

“CBT was a surprise.”

“Spit and extremely sloppy kisses.”

“Leather chaps. Saw a hot DILF biker at Walmart one time wearing them, and suddenly [I had] feelings of aroused confusion.”

“Chastity cages. A year ago, I would have thought you were nuts if you had said I’d love it.”

“Jockstraps. I know! How could anyone not?! But I didn’t care for them in the slightest until i found one in my first boyfriend’s underwear drawer.”

“Romantic sex, with genuine love between the top and the bottom, with smooching and all.”

“I’m vers, but when I bottom, I like it when my boyfriend holds my wrists behind my back like I have handcuffs on. I’m not really sure if it’s a fetish, though, because I don’t like not having control of my hands during sex. It was a happy accident.”

“Quality connection and a sense of humor, LMAO.

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