Dave Bautista
Dave Bautista (Photo: Shutterstock)

Former wrestler turned actor Dave Bautista has already previously endorsed Kamala Harris for President. Yesterday, he went further, offering a knockout assessment of Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

Bautista filmed a segment for Jimmy Kimmel Live. He spars in a boxing ring before addressing viewers. He takes square aim at those taken in by Trump’s attempts to portray himself as an alpha male.

“Fellas, we gotta talk,” Bautista said. “A lot of men seem to think that Donald Trump is some kind of tough guy. He’s not. I mean, look at him, he wears more makeup than Dolly Parton. He whines like a baby. The guy is afraid of birds. Donald Trump had his daddy pay a doctor to say his little feet hurt so he could dodge the draft. Look at that gut. It’s like a garbage bag full of buttermilk.”

“He’s barely strong enough to hold an umbrella,” Bautista adds, while a clip of Trump struggling in a rainstorm is played. “He’s got jugs. Big ones. Like Dolly Parton. And you know that little dance he does? He looks like he’s jacking off a pair of giraffes.”

“He’s moody, he pouts, he throws tantrums. He acts like a 5-year-old behind the wheels of a truck. This November, let’s stop kidding ourselves.”

Comedian Jesse Joyce says he wrote the sketch for the Jimmy Kimmel show as it’s what he believes–but it sounded much better coming from Bautista.

“I wrote this cause it’s what I always wanted to say about Trump pretending to be a tough guy. But we got the amazing @DaveBautista to say it SO much better. Thanks Dave.”

“What a whiny little b*tch!”

Bautista shared another clip, also shot in a fighting ring, offering a more personal take on his political views.

“The worst thing that Donald Trump has ever done is divided this country. ‘America will only be great if you vote for me’,” Bautista says, paraphrasing Trump’s message. “That’s bullsh*t. It’s not making America great. That’s making Donald Trump great. ‘Vote for me so I can pardon myself, do anything I want, get away with it.’

“I’m just a regular guy,” says Bautista. “But when I look up the definition of narcissist… hahaha… this is who people want running our country? Everything he loses is ‘rigged’. When he lost in 2016, because he lost the popular vote, ‘the popular vote is rigged!’ What a whiny little b*tch!

“The fact he was convicted of 34 felonies, ‘it was rigged’. Guilty of fraud, because ‘it was rigged’,” Bautista continues to mock.

“I know why he’s so proud of overturning Roe v Wade and it’s because he’s a massive piece of sh*t.”

He goes on to criticize Trump for wanting to do away with Obamacare but not reveal what he’d replace it with.

“You love our country so much, stop f*cking sh*tting on it.”

He ends by saying, “Make America great, stop all this hate. Love America again.”

Many thanked Bautista for sharing his thoughts.

Others said they’d watched it multiple times… for “reasons”.

Others expected Trump to react badly or even state ‘I HATE DAVE BAUTISTA’ as he did with Taylor Swift when she endorsed Harris.

Predictably, MAGA diehards were quick to defend their icon and blast Bautista’s views as irrelevant. Some even cast aspersions on Bautista’s own masculinity.

Proud son

Bautista is straight but is a vocal LGBTQ+ ally, possibly in part because his mom is lesbian. In 2022, he went viral with a Pride Month message. He posted a photo of himself wearing a T-shirt. It featured a rainbow and the words ‘Be You.’

In his accompanying caption, Bautista said, “I was always proud of who my mom was because she was always proud of who she was. In your face, f*ck you if you don’t like it, unapologetically loud and proud. And her son payed [sic] attention. BE LOUD, BE PROUD, BE YOU. ❤️🏳️‍🌈💪🏽 #ProudSonofaLesbian”

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