Hillary Clinton ran out of effs to give after she lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump and then everything she tried warning people about in regards to him pretty much came true. Now, at 76 years old, she’s done pleasing people or worrying about who she might offend.

In her new book, Something Lost, Something Gained, the former Secretary of State writes about all kinds of things, including the first time she came face to face with Melania Trump after her husband staged that failed coup in 2021.

The meetup happened at Rosalynn Carter’s funeral last year.

“Rosalynn’s grandson Jason said it had been her wish that all the First Ladies would come together for her memorial in a show of unity in these divisive times,” Clinton writes, adding that she had been under the impression Melania wouldn’t be in attendance.

After all, the former model isn’t exactly known for doing, frankly, anything out of duty, obligation, or goodwill. And she certainly doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do, as exemplified by the fact that she has flat out refused to campaign for her 78-year-old, criminally-convicted husband’s current re-election effort.

“If anybody at the White House or on Bill’s or my Secret Service detail had been briefed on Mrs. Trump’s plan to attend, they didn’t tell me,” Clinton writes.

But much to everyone’s surprise, Melania showed up! And it was, well, kinda awkward.

Writes Clinton: “Now, here she was, standing alone as Laura [Bush], who’d looked to be chatting with Melania when the rest of us walked in, stepped away to say her hellos.”

“Melania had a look on her face – very smiley but uncertain – that reminded me of the little kid at the birthday party who doesn’t know anyone and is waiting at the edge of the circle, hoping people are going to be nice.”

Clinton says they all greeted Melania, exchanging air-kisses, hugs, hand shakes, and pleasantries.

“I reached out, shook her hand, and said, ‘Hello, Melania, it’s nice to see you’,” the former Secretary of State writes. “I can appreciate how awkward it must have been, not knowing what kind of reception she would get after all her husband’s insults directed at us Bushes, Bidens, Obamas, and Clintons alike.”

Later in the book, Clinton says she “never quite knew what to make of the third Mrs. Trump” and found herself “conflicted” by her throughout Donald Trump’s single term as president.

“On a gut level, I have never believed that a wife bears responsibility for the actions of her husband. But did she aid and abet her husband’s worst instincts?”

She also opens up about attending Donald and Melania’s wedding at Mar-a-Lago in 2005, which she said she did mostly “out of curiosity.”

“I was going to be in Florida anyway and thought it would be entertaining to see what a Donald Trump wedding was like,” Clinton writes. “It was the first time I met Melania, and I just remember that she was young, very beautiful, and very tall.”

“And that she didn’t talk much, at least to me.”

That certainly tracks. Melania still doesn’t talk much, except when she’s being paid an exorbitant sum of money. Last year, CNN reported that she raked in over $1.2 million in speaking fees in 2022, and that her going rate for a speech was around $155,000.

That figure has since increased.

In April of this year, she made $237,500 to speak at an event hosted by the Palm Beach chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures. The event was held at Mar-a-Lago, which means Melania didn’t even have to leave the house to collect the check.

In her new book, Clinton also writes about the criticism Melania received for not wearing black to Mrs. Carter’s memorial service.

“Let’s get real. The Victorian-era tradition of donning black for funerals has gone the way of the edict against wearing white after Labor Day. Jason Carter wore a gray suit to deliver a tribute to his ‘cool grandma.’ President Biden was in blue. As far as I can tell, neither of them got any flak for it,” she writes.

“Was I really feeling some sympathy for Melania Trump after all the ugliness and turmoil the Trump family had heaped on the nation, the world, and my own family the past several years? I won’t go that far.”

“But in my view, what Melania wore to pay tribute to Rosalynn (who herself was pointedly critical right back at the Trumps) was perfectly appropriate, and I was sorry that Melania got slammed for something so petty.”

But Clinton isn’t the only one promoting a book right now. Melania is set to release a memoir next month and she’s been very busy exploiting the assassination attempt against her husband to help promote it on social media.

The ex-FLOTUS has posted several cryptic videos plugging her forthcoming book, including this one shared last week, in which she blasts people for not caring more about the fact that she could be a widow right now.

“The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience. Now, the silence around it feels heavy,” 54-year-old Melania says.

The 256-page book, appropriately titled Melania, promises to offer an “intimate portrait of a woman who has lived an extraordinary life.”

That “extraordinary life” has included a failed modeling career, a failed QVC jewelry collection, a failed line of caviar-infused skincare products, a failed non-fungible token business, and a weird marriage to a 34-time convicted felon who she met while we was still married to his second wife.

Standard copies are $40. Signed copies are available through her website for $75. And for fans looking for bonus photos, a special edition is available for $250.

Clinton’s book Something Lost, Something Gained is out now.

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