White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had no time for Fox News reporter Peter Doocy’s foolishness yesterday when he inquired about Kamala Harris’ alleged accent.

During Tuesday’s White House press briefing, Doocy asked, “Since when does the vice president have what sounds like a Southern accent?”

In case you’re not up to date on the right’s latest dose of propaganda, in recent days, conservative media outlets have pivoted their indignation away from Harris’ laugh to instead criticize to her voice.

More specifically, they’ve been calling her out for an imagined Southern accent only they can hear and which they insist she’s adopted on the campaign trail.

Yesterday, Fox News played a clip of the sitting VP at a rally in Detroit, during which she said, “You better thank a union member,” and asserted that she was using a different speaking voice than usual. 

“What do you think about this? Should we be focusing on it?” Fox & Friends co-host Carley Shimkus asked Fox News contributor David Webb, who, of course, answered in the affirmative.

Webb accused Harris of being fake and said her voice was insulting to voters, union workers, everyone really, then suggested perhaps she had just finished eating collared greens and that’s why her accent appeared to change.

When Doocy, who landed his job with Fox News through his father, Fox & Friends co-anchor Steve Doocy, brought all this up during yesterday’s White House press briefing, Jean-Pierre appeared to stifle an eyeroll.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said when Doocy first mentioned Harris’ imagined accent.

“She was talking about unions in Detroit using one tone of voice,” Doocy explained before being cut off by Jean-Pierre, who said, “OK, Peter.”

“She used the same line in Pittsburgh and it sounded like she at least had some kind of southern drawl,” he continued.

To which, Jean-Pierre replied, “I mean, do you hear the question that you’re–I mean, do you think Americans seriously think that this is an important question?”

“I’m not even going to entertain some question about the–it’s just, hearing it sounds so ridiculous,” she added later. “The question is just insane.”

Still not getting it, Doocy pressed on.

“Is that how she talks in meetings here?” he asked. But Jean-Pierre had had enough, ending the line of questioning by telling him, “Peter, we’re moving on. We’re so moving on.”

Since she took over the top of the Democratic ticket roughly six weeks ago, conservatives have not been able to land any attacks on Harris–from calling her a “DEI candidate”, to then raising doubts about her race, mocking her laugh, and now questing her accent.

They’ve tried just about everything and nothing seems to stick. Probably because Jean-Pierre is right, the vast majority of Americans don’t think those things are important issues this election.

According to an Economist/YouGov poll conducted two weeks ago, 54% of voters said the most important issues to them were “inflation/prices,” “jobs and the economy,” “immigration” and “taxes and government spending.”

Kamala Harris’ race, laugh, or accent did not make it anywhere on the list.

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