Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Kristi Noem, who destroyed both her political career and all respectability in a failed attempt to be Trump’s #2, seems to be over the criminally convicted 78-year-old.

The South Dakota governor recently revealed her favorite president, and it’s not DJT. In fact, it’s not even a conservative. Noem’s favorite president is… Teddy Roosevelt?

Say what???

“My favorite president, Teddy Roosevelt, is a fantastic example of how to handle tough times,” she posted on social media. “He faced tremendous obstacles as a child and as an adult; the way he responded to them made all the difference.”

She continued, “We all want our kids to grow up to become strong, capable adults. South Dakota Sturdy reminds our kids that they are in control of their lives.”

The “tremendous obstacles” that Roosevelt faced included a debilitating case of asthma as a child and his father’s sudden passing while he was in college. As a young adult, Roosevelt lived through the deaths of his mother and wife… on the same day.

Suffice to say, Roosevelt experienced many more hardships than Trump, who inherited more than $400 million in today’s dollars from his father. Even Roosevelt’s ascension to the presidency occurred under tragic circumstances.

He was inaugurated on the heels of President William McKinley’s ascension.

Once Roosevelt arrived in the White House, he transformed the presidency into the most powerful position in the world. He used his self-proclaimed “bully pulpit” to enact a rash of progressive reforms and force the dissolution of monopolies in the railroad, oil and tobacco industries.

In addition to “trust-busting,” Roosevelt introduced far stricter regulation to the railroad and food industries. But perhaps his greatest achievement was his conservation efforts. Roosevelt established approximately 230 million acres of public land during his term.

Meanwhile, Noem… doesn’t believe in any of that! She’s a staunch right-winger.

Which begs the question: Does Kristi Noem actually know anything about Teddy Roosevelt? Or does she just like his bust on Mount Rushmore?

It’s hard to imagine that TR would be down with Noem’s shenanigans, especially her puppy killing…

Ah yes, the puppy killing incident. In her flop of a memoir, Noem wrote in graphic detail about the time she shot and killed a 14-month-old puppy in a gravel pit, because it was “less than worthless” and she “hated” it.

The Veep wannabe probably thought her animal cruelty would further ingratiate herself to Trump, who often compares his opponents unfavorably to dogs. (Just this week, Trump said Howard Stern is a “weak guy” and thus he dumped him “like a dog.”)

But unfortunately for Noem, the inverse happened. She became persona non grata during her disastrous book tour, in which she was also confronted with her apparent lie about meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. 

Noem’s fealty to Trump has cost her constituents big time. The state has been forced to pay up in lawsuits regarding her deployment of National Guard troops to the Southern border and blatant transphobia.

Despite governing a state that’s 1,700 miles away from Mexico, Noem has sent the South Dakota National Guard to the border three times. South Dakota spent $2.7 million on those deployments through May, according to the state Department of Public Safety.

On top of that, Noem’s troop deployments are now the subject of a $42,000 lawsuit.

Earlier this year, the largest tribe in South Dakota barred Noem from its lands due to her extreme nativist rhetoric. 

On the anti-LGBTQ+ front, Noem has banned drag shows, outlawed gender-affirming care for minors, and created a “whistleblower hotline” that encourages the public to report anything “woke” happening at state colleges and universities. Earlier this year, South Dakota was ordered to pay a transgender advocacy group $300,000 for wrongfully terminating a contract with the organization.

While Noem is far from the only Republican to enact cruel policies, her MAGA transformation also became weirdly physical.

“After Mr. Trump won the presidency and the MAGA movement took off, Ms. Noem adopted a new look,” wrote New York Times fashion writer Vanessa Friedman. “Her hair got longer and longer, with tousled waves kissed by the curling iron, her part moved to the center. She began to resemble a doppelgänger for Kimberly GuilfoyleDonald Trump Jr.’s fiancée. Or a dark-haired version of Lara TrumpEric Trump’s wife and the new co-chair of the Republican National Committee.”

Adding to the speculation, Noem starred in a bizarre infomercial for a Texas-based dentist office, which she says fixed her smile…

After months of being sidelined, Noem is back on the campaign trail for Trump, albeit in a supporting role. It looks like her days as a MAGA queen are over.

The proof is in the tweet.

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