Mark Robinson is a Holocaust denier who’s compared gay people to “maggots” and called for transgender folx to go to the bathroom outside. Yet, the ultra-hateful pol is the GOP’s nominee for governor in North Carolina, with a full-throated endorsement from Donald Trump.

“This is Martin Luther King on steroids,” the 78-year-old Trump once said about a man with a history of ridiculing school shooting survivors.

With Robinson’s abhorrent past statements in mind, it’s hard to imagine any revelation that could chase him from the race. The super conservative pastor even survived a recent porn scandal, in which multiple people claimed he was a regular customer at adult film shops in the ’90s.

But something seems different about the latest dumpster fire involving Robinson.

CNN just published a bombshell report containing dozens of disturbing posts that Robinson allegedly wrote on the message board of an adult website “Nude Africa” from 2008 to 2012.

Journalists Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck shared screenshots in the story showing the account in question belonged to Robinson. (Or at least, was operated by someone using his name and email address across various online platforms.)

In the posts, Robinson, who portrays himself as an extreme social conservative, fondly recalls spying on girls in public bathrooms when he was 14 and proclaims his affinity for transgender pornography.

“I came to a spot that was a dead end but had two big vent covers over it! It just so happened it overlooked the showers! I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered,” he wrote.

“I went peeping again the next morning,” he said in a follow-up note.

As a gubernatorial candidate, Robinson has said trans women should be arrested for using women’s restrooms. But as “minisoldr,” a name he used frequently online, he was typing a different, perverted tune.

“I like watching tr*nny on girl porn! That’s f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” Robinson wrote. “And yeah I’m a ‘perv’ too!”

But Robinson’s most offensive alleged statements may have been about race. He declared he was a “black NAZI” and expressed support for slavery.

“Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few,” he wrote.

Robinson also insulted MLK Jr., deriding him as a “phony” and “huckster.” He said he wishes he could join the KKK, so he could call King a racial slur.

In a fruitless attempt at damage control, Robinson released a hostage-like video shooting down the story minutes before it was published.

“Hey guys, Lieutenant Governor Robinson here,” he says in his stage voice. “The news media is at it again. My opponent is at it again. You all have seen the half-truths and outright lies of Josh Stein on these ads over and over again. Now a story leaked by him to CNN is appearing now.”

“Let me reassure you: the words you see in that story are not the words of Mark Robinson. You know my words. You know my character, and you know I’ve been completely transparent in this race before.”

Later, Robinson likens himself to Clarence Thomas… who’s been credibly accused of sexual harassment and an avalanche of shady shenanigans. (Yeah, that’s not the comparison we would make, either!)

“Clarence Thomas once said he was the victim of high-tech lynching. Well, it looks like Mark Robinson is, too, by a man who refuses to stand on stage and debate me about the real issues that face you,” he says. “Instead, they want to focus on salacious tabloid lies. We’re not gonna let them do that. We’re staying in this race, and we are in it to win it.”

And there it is, Robinson’s closing salvo: He’s “in it to win it…” despite being a Black man who (allegedly) calls himself a Nazi and wants to own slaves.

The fervent speculation regarding CNN’s bombshell started Thursday morning, when it was reported that Robinson is under pressure from Trump and other Republicans to end his gubernatorial candidacy.

“According to the anonymous source, earlier this week leaders in the Trump campaign privately told Robinson that he was not welcome at rallies for Trump or vice presidential candidate JD Vance,” writes the right-leaning Carolina Journal.

Robinson, who currently serves as North Carolina’s lieutenant governor, was already under water before the CNN story. He trails the Democratic nominee for governor, Attorney General Josh Stein, by up to 8 points in the latest polls.

Robinson’s toxic campaign is a big problem for Trump, who needs to win North Carolina. An Emerson College poll released Thursday now has Kamala Harris leading Trump by 1 point in NC.

If Kamala takes North Carolina, her path to victory becomes much easier, even if she loses multiple other swing states.

Despite all of the aforementioned negatives, Trump has stayed loyal to Robinson. Until now, apparently. Although it could be too late.

The deadline for Robinson to drop out is Thursday at midnight.

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