Donald Trump looks on wearing a black suit and red tie standing in the spin room after the second 2024 presidential debate.

In their first (and potentially last) debate yesterday night, presidential candidates Vice President Kamala Harris and convicted felon Donald Trump had a chance to address America — and each other — while sharing their stances on the most pressing issues in the election.

Well, that was the intention, at least.

Despite the best efforts of moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, Trump spent nearly the entirety of his allotted airtime rambling, ignoring questions, looking orange, and lying.

That said, no one-liner was as bizarre, disturbing, or hilariously wrong as his assertion that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.”

Yes, that’s an actual thing he said.

While the 78-year-old convicted felon ranted, Harris watched with amusement and a facial expression that said, “This man is so wrong, and we are going to debunk him.”

According to the New York Times, Trump was trying to reference Harris’ responses to a 2019 American Civil Liberties Union survey in which she voiced support for “policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition.” You know, an expansion for LGBTQ+ rights.

Still, it’s a pretty irrelevant statement to spin, considering the response was written during Harris’ campaign for the 2020 Democratic primary. Furthermore, her communications director said she is not “proposing or running on” the stance.

Most importantly, how are aliens involved in any of this?!

It seems Trump’s entire sentence was concocted by the far-right to spark outrage, fear, and anti-wokeness without any context or importance. Like a GOP nightmare game of Mad Libs.

So naturally, Gay Twitter X™ had a field day riffing on Trump’s blunder… and imagining what these apparent aliens would look like.

Trump’s stance on LGBTQ+ issues

Trump’s statement is so absurd that it would almost be funny if it didn’t come at such a dire time for LGBTQ+ rights and the trans community specifically.

And considering Trump’s record on gay rights during his time in the White House, a GOP win could have disastrous effects on the future of queer Americans.

Minutes after his 2017 inauguration, his administration deleted any mention of LGBTQ+ rights from federal websites.

This set the tone for the rest of the presidency, where he made a concerted effort to erase transgender people by rolling back protections against discrimination, restricting access to gender-affirming care, and withholding funds from schools that allowed trans athletes to compete on teams consistent with their gender identities.

Needless to say, a second Trump administration would be even more hostile and harmful.

Harris’ stance on LGBTQ+ issues

On the other hand, Vice President Harris has a longstanding history of supporting LGBTQ+ rights.

In 2022, she worked with the Biden administration to enact the Respect for Marriage Act, which requires state and federal governments to recognize same-sex marriages. Plus, her support for LGBTQ+ unions goes back to 2004.

Additionally, the Biden-Harris administration proposed changes to Title IX that would prohibit “outright bans on transgender athletes,” and she’s publically advocated for transgender people’s rights to use their preferred bathrooms.

Harris also opposes Don’t Say Gay laws and has continually championed the Equality Act.

And on a trivial note, she is well-versed in the ways of “Padam Padam” by Kylie Minogue.

Whether the debate makes an impact on the election is to be seen, but it’s encouraging to see a politician like Harris calling Trump out on his BS, one easily debunked and overblown statement at a time.

Check out some of the funniest reactions to Trump’s outrageous debate moment below.

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