Beth Bourne
Beth Bourne (Photo: Marina Del Rey/Facebook)

Video footage of an incident from a hotel in Hawaii has gone viral. It shows a woman having a meltdown when she unexpectedly comes across drag queens in her hotel lobby.

The incident took place Sunday at the Alohilani Resort Waikīkī Beach.

The woman pulls out her phone to film what’s going on and proceeds to shout at the drag queens and hotel staff.

She is furious to discover the hotel has drag queens anywhere within its premises.

Marina Del Rey, one of the drag queens present, posted a video of the wild encounter.

“Are you a man?”

“I paid to be a customer at a hotel where I thought you believed women were real,” the woman says.

“This is degrading. This is misogyny. If you give me back my money right now I will leave the hotel. But I’m not going to have my children come down from the 30th floor to see what’s happening here,” she continues, before demanding the names of staff.

She then confronts one of the drag performers and asks them if they’re “with the hotel?” and “Are you a man?”

She then says her son “might think he can put on makeup and fancy clothing and high heels, and have his p*nis cut off and take estrogen and grow fake b**bs like those. This is so degrading.”

She complains she paid $3,000 and did not expect to see drag queens in the hotel. She demands to talk to the police.

Cops duly arrived… and placed her in handcuffs.

Drag queens taking part in video shoot

Drag artist Marina Del Rey added some context on Instagram.

“There was prior dialog from [the woman] ahead of what I filmed and ultimately she was taken off the property by the @honolulupd.

“I would like to say a huge THANK U to the @alohilaniresort for your care and concerns during and after, to all of us…. those within witness – guest or staff – many extended compassion of which I’m very very grateful.

“To give some context – a few of us were on the hotel property to film a video for an upcoming pageant, playing roles as hotel staff. This woman saw us filming and came to a slow burn and then she popped off.

“Her rant went on and on – possibly with the attempt to get a riled angered response. She didn’t get one. In this video – you see my perspective. In her video – u will see three drag queens surrounded by staff and guests – just sitting down. I’m not here to figure her out, incite hate against her, or call her names —— I’m here to remind you, many meet worse daily, the ugliness of this happens without regard to where, why, how etc….Even in the lobby of your hotel.”

According to the police, they briefly detained the woman in handcuffs for causing a disturbance. They did not arrest her or take her to a police station. She is not facing any charges. The hotel “trespassed” her and she is not allowed back on the property.

Woman identified

Shortly after the video went viral, the woman was named as Beth Bourne of California. According to Gay Island News, she’s the Chair of the California Moms for Liberty chapter. Southern Poverty Law Center has designed Moms for Liberty a far-right extremist group.

On her X bio, Bourne describes herself as a “Mom questioning gender ideology in CA schools.”

She confirmed it was her in the video, and reshared it, but was unrepentant.

“I am not okay with children being exposed to drag queens. Several other Alohilani hotel guests told me they also found it offensive so I spoke up to the manager yesterday.

“I was briefly detained by @honolulupolice, refunded my hotel charges, and have no regrets for speaking up.”

Queerty has reached out to Alohilani Resort Waikīkī Beach for comment.

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